Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

DrPABT»crr op FoBtros Afpairs. '«brr iiT Vtub>ur S,(&2 75 S>Unr ol '*ct*tAT\ >akn of CViU Oie» t») S*iiry Enr»>y to 6.3»W S1ut uf C«bs>I li«wnl Sib PnoeuKu 4.lKti 86 CWnoK •»! nu Pnaaw) S.!H» 58 K ttie( and Mvs .( lr. iigrnt Hi«uuisa 430 15 Eiiinoon Htwwu \oatā« A(m<l I. w» >s IhpKwnaOe xixi Couabu’ Srr»ioe. 4.39 'K Fawtgti 3.i*u 45 ISa:« wunai-euui 53 76 lnddtn*jb 1.04«) 32 M<JWSg»T &50W) R,t U 5Tsi3 ia ! SilaU.-> 22. xv> 13 59.0M 54 Departme.nt OF Fkascl «t Uini>t(i .. Aoditor B«£Stnr t>l PnNw AcvvqdU CVrk FiD»ucc U*®v« Tvi Ay\>» : Oah« •* ** Hmu , ■• *• Mam I* “ Kiuai. IVputT A$»<*«or» auJ Cv>U«ctor» CUrk io Av»«afc*’r, U»hu .. Tii Appwl R«rls .... , lcuvi«utals Fiaiu«e lVpMtic«.nl •• T»x A«*» t !i •• Au Jitor Gra« rii'j Dog T*gs . Mi.«wng» ;.. . Pniitrng C«itiSnUt4 •>( mi Bon<l»......... Intetrst on Pnbhc I>*bt ... ... To v jn«lgenents (»vcr l‘eter High *a«i liwn?» Dtlbngti*m Retam ot EWeūon Fees Tu p»T eUim ol J*p*n««e l_*borer» SnbeidT, Oahu IUuw«y *a«i Lau«l v . ai{«vay S<Ltriv» l*»t penovt not jku«1 PoSTAL BCR£AV. S*Utt Post M»ster Oenemi ... Secn*ury Snpt. P -ul S»Tiug Biuk Snpt. M :u-y Oiii. r . . . CIerks I\»t Mutcn Mail C.vrr.ag« Snb»t<iy Oeeaoie S. S. Co ineukūul» Postal fiamv Ccsroscs Bvkkac. S*l»ry CoIIevtor Oeneiwi ot Cu»tom‘ 3,230 00 IVpnty C«>llevtor 2.700 00 H*ruor M»»trr .. 2,709 00 Porl Surveyor. Houolala !,>*>»> 67 btait-kre|»r l.«*41 00 Assi*Unt Storc-kreper 307 30 l»t. 8UtĪ!>tii*l CTerk .... l/i'i'i 00 2nd. “ ” 1,300 00 3rd. “ “ 1.300 00 Book-keej>er. 1,635 00 Coilector, Kahnlai 1.635 00 •• Hilo 1.635 00 •* Mahnkoua 730 00 Port SnrTeyor Knhului 1,080 00 Rent Kcrosene WlKhoam 108 00 S»lary Port Surreyor Hilo 1,166 34 •• Kceper Kero»ene Warehonse 924 00 A»i»t*nt» Bonded W»rehouse 1,304 73 As$i»tant Gu*rd» Honolniu 8.097 93 •• Gu»rds all other PorU 3,087 67 Cn»tom Hou»e Boat 944< 71 Sal.vry 3 PiioU Honolulu. 7.733 34 Exi>en»es Pilot B«>»t» 3,4."i9 33 lncidental* Coatom Houte 3,857 67 52,973 27 Attorxey Genzbal’s Depautment. 3.251 00 3337 30 1.96000 1.960 00 11.136 00 16.163 00 15.804 :52 16.33000 9.873 -7 78,613 69 4.«V3 04 5.003 75 X254> OO 1.635 00 3.834 76 2708 01 2493 00 2167 03 25.157 84 796 83 268 30 2333 10 2185 08 278 42 334 > 650 00 1.407 59 304.35» 36 1.051 30 30 00 3V> 05 22.16 00 644 93 367.11« 0« S alary Attorney OenenU ... lX>puty Attomey General Mnnhal Deputy Marshal Ist. d'erk to Marshal JaiIor C>ahn l'mon Sheriff Hawaii “ Maui “ Kanai Clcrk to Shenff o( Hawaii “ “ “ “ Maui “ “ “ “ Kauai Deputy Sheriff South Hil>> North Kohala S:>uth Kohala Hamakna North Hilo North Kona S>uth Koua Kau Pnna Wailuku Makawao Lahaina. Hana. Molukai Lihue Kawoihau llaualei Koioa Waimea Koolaupoko....; Koolanlua Waialua Wainnae Ewa Pay of Poliee Hawiii Two Clerks Reeciving Station Supreaie Cv>urt Otficer Haek Inspe»'tor • Physician Receiving Station aml Pri»on CTerk, TransLitor and Copyist Incidentals. Civtl and Cruumal Expen*es Coroaers lnqnetts Coroner» In<jnests (debt of hist period not {«ud)—. Support of 44 • I • 4 44 4 4 «« • 4 «4 44 «4 44 4 4 44 4 • 44 4« 44 44 4» «44 (4 4« • 4 14 44 44 44 t4 44 44 44 44 4 • 44 44 .4 • 4 44 »1 44 44 44 44 44 5,092 75 3,250 00 3,230 00 1.950 00 1.950 00 1.462 50 3.709 00 3,63* 00 “ 350 00 650 00 650 00 375 00 1,625 0») 1.300 00 .vs;> ••> 1.300 «Hl 780 00 7s«) oo 710 ou 1,103 520 1.300 i,:ioo 1.09) I.IH0 6X) 1,040 845 845 845 l,Os«> 650 660 «kV) 617 50 65«) 20.171 !•) 13,4.48 66 5.414 .V) 69.120 •» 1.560 1.170 1.300 1,300, 1.300 25,410 48 60*1 60 45 44. 506 2S 233,535 37 Bceeac of Pcblic lxsTBC<rriox. Salary of Ia«pector («••nenl of >chools Clerk an>l Secnstary Asaistant Clerk Messenger and Book CTerk Support Engli»h, Hawaiian *n«l Comnion 8chuoU Industrial and Kefonn School Aid to Hilo Boarding School Kohala Seminary - lolani CoIlege Makawao Seminary Kanai Iadustriai Sch«ol Kawaiahao Setninary Christ Chorch Boan'bng School .. St. Andrews Pri<>ry School. Si»ters of Sacred Heart Eipeuses of Konnal Iiutrnction [Tofes9or of Chemistry Budding Ae. of Seboolboase8... 1.360 37 1.000 375 300 29.995 45 2 061 54 1,300 1 100 1,500 1,055 2.(XX) >45 85 250 l.«J0«> l,«)00 3.401 75 230 9,050 5.8 IIQ‘?I

I.\TEItIOB DePAKTM£NT. Sai«rv of MieiaW. - Cbi«?f C'lerk. A«uhuit Clerks. M*sf>enger ; lni;it!eotals Intenor Offioe S*Ury Surr«rTor Oenenl £juplojee« Bare«a oI SnrTer j Expens«« Field P*rti«». i Incidcntaii ami Of5oe Expen»e«. ! Mmenwn . SaUry RegUtrar of C«nTey*nc*s Depnty Kegistnr P*r of Clerks Bulean of ConTeyances Inndentals S*i«ry Jap*nes<> Iuspector *nd Interprcter Secreury Bo«ml of Immigntion IncidenUls Snpehntendent W«ter Works C!erks, W»ier Work* Ennning Erpenses Wster Works Repsirs to Bcser»oira Ueneml Eepain to aii Water Works Koloa W aiter Work a Hiio W*ter Works Saiary Snperintendent of Pnhiie Works. Assi.>tant Snpt Incidentals Eepain Furmmrt and Ailūiiion Got’i Ruiidings. .. Lau*!ings and Buoy> Uawaii. dcbt dn« and Bnoys Hawaii Landing, Hookena ** at Kala : Landings jrui Bnoys Maai W’bari at Maaiaea *c. I-ahaina Eepain to Landmg Makena Lsndmgs and Buoys Muiokai Hoaolaln Kauai. Ueneial Repair> aod Rnnning Eipeiuee Lighl-honsee. *• - *• Swain Tn< 5.092 75 3 .25« 1.300 1.15« 76 3.231 9.311 50 2,257 25 571 7» 320 270» S5 500 3,195 169 35 3.250 1.300 658 38 2.707 90 2.025 7.329 01 2,417 32 3,712 30 135 77 650 3.250 1,9*JU 399 56 7.502 3U 3 167 67 25 50 2 35 227 75 370 98 181 50 8 211 65 6.373 N> 138 75 5,999 23 4,717 19 10,048 85