Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — The Hawaiian Legation. [ARTICLE]

The Hawaiian Legation.

'1 Thiksto.x Again Fci.un«', kok Fla< k. Tbe outr8gcou3 *xj>enses eonnectc<l with the HawAiian Legation in Washington. bave bceu freqnently comraented on. What has l)een S|»ent is not vrorth cryii;g over. The tnxpayers will have to devise ways and ineans i to get haek the large snm illegally sqnandered by the p. g. Let us rathor look to the future. When the appropriation bill a short while :igo was nn>ler debate iu the Conncils. the heads of the goveromeut urged and insisted | in continuing th«> he ivy and un- | warranted expcns s of the lega- ; tion. They claimed su tise inost serious iuauncr th <t u proper representition of Hawaii in the ! American cupital was yet of vital iuterest t>) o;.r couutry aud it wis i abso!uteiy u-ct ssarv to k> ep tlie present forcethere Several CounI cillors wore rather aeeplieal. They recollected th.it Miuister Thurston hud foun<l limeio rnn a eouple of side shows, uml that althongh he wus at nll tiuies estremelv ready to draw his eomfortable salary, he wsis never, or bardly ever at his post of dutv. Auybotly who carefally liad followed the Hawaiian question in Washington. heeume painfully awaie of tlie f.ct that Mr. Thurston was not a jter*onea <jrn(n with tho Amoricau g iverumeut and that his freqnaut absences weie excused by his owu c<mviction that he conld do Hawaii no good ! uear tbe govei nment of Cievelaud. Ho hnall}' eclipsc>l totally and appeaml in Hawuii. Tlio Holo- 1 ui A, ahvays well iuformed, told its readers that Mr. Thurston had no intention to return to his post. where he kuew that he was unweleome, and the ollieial 1 organs imraediately denied our statement by claimiug that he was goiug baok soou. Yesterday Mr. Thnrston was nominated for a soat iu tho Counoil mude vacaut through tho rosignation of Mr. 8uhr. Mr Tharston must have been aware of such nominalion aml inust havo approved of it. Tho Couacillor who made the nominakion was Mr. W. F. Allen aml ho was, if we romembor rightly, aeconded by AttorueyGoneral W. O. Smith. That Mr. Thurston will be elected next Thursday by theothor solf-elected Couucillors ean hardly bo doubted and that ho canuot be in Washington. on the alleged | immensoly importaut busiuess of Hawaii aud at tbe same time in Honolulu, atteudiug the making of coustitutions goos. without saviug. Now what we are kicking at is ; the action of the goverument iu allowing »11 employee—of tho 1 taxpaver — to draw >ō00 a month I without porforraing the dnties I stipulated by l»w and for whieh he is paid. If Mr. Thnrston wants to be a Conncillor. well aml good. We have decidedly no objection. a 15ut let him resign tbe pnsitiou for whieh tho People pays him and if the olhee iu Washington is so very neccssary as we are told it is, let it be filled bv someN body else who will give valne for ; the money received. lf it is uot ! necessary to keep up the position i of Minister to the United States. 1 dmp the offico and spend the $60v0 a year on the Kalihi waterworks. on roads. on Mr. RoweU's ! piles, on an educational appro” j pri»tion for niTlitary jenu or foi I the pnrchase of an island f r lh« “primitive” men, Mr. C»stle am3 his friend Mr. Boeter. But don’i the government disgrace itself b> 8 | puWicly robbing the depletec * i treasnry simply for Ihe pnq>os< of feeding Mr. Thnrston. Then 3 are lote of “Barkis’es” willing U go to Washington and the p. g should certeinly not unnecessari ly delay to fill iho post that is o 80 vital an importance. Le XburstoD go in the CouncU an<

joio tbe 'otber snull propbeis. I bat knoek bb fiogers ont of tbe governroent pap. Tbe other Councillors are noi paid, bnt if ther see tbat Mr. Tbnrston is to have a preference and $6000 a vear, eaeh and even' one of them will elaim the *atne. And then ' imagine the jea!oosv, the eomplaints and the bovls from the j onts. Prevent it and fireThurston’