Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — He Declines. [ARTICLE]

He Declines.

■ It wascommonly rep'rte<l this afternoon thut Mr. W. O. Smith bad otferod the oflice of District Judge to W. C. Parte, for tho period when Mr. A. G. Robertson, attends as a delg«te to the ; c)nvention tbat frames constitu -! iion. Mr. Parke declined tbe bonor. Tbe woll-kuown disconrtsey from the side of the government t'wards Mr. Parte when Jodge Foster ros gned a few months ago is still frcsh iu the memory* of the fellow-citizens of Mr. Parte. Mr. W. O. Smith’s soft-soap seems to h-ve had no ©3ect thU tuue. V