Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The Dailey Co. have gone to the Co*st. Baseb*ll tbis afternoon, Kams and Hawaiia. The Anstralia carried forward a large namber of paasengers. D m Lvon’s dancing clas.«es «till hold forth at the Arion Hall. The p g. band concertizes at Enima sqaare this afternoon at 4 30 o’eloek. Francis L. G. Harden will leave for Vancouver B. C. about the lst of Jane Tho Scheatzen Clab practice comuany of ndemen nre m«king ' good records. The “Holy Ghost show" is announoed for tomorrow; band music and all. Mr. Fritz Wilhelm gives notice of his placing of a power attorney; iu this issae. Momorial Day next Wednesd«y. Many neglected graves will be again greened. The Central Unien congregation will listen to Dr. Hydo's preaching tomorrow. j There are prospects of a great g«thering of p. g- people at a christening tomorruw. Necker Island is stated pnsitively to be the intended destination of the steamer healani. Col. Hawkina and Captain Aastin have still a strong pull on the Empire boom in Butfalo beor. Major Simpson the manager of the popular Sans Sonci will soon add many comforts to the hotol. “Monte Cristo” performance by the Dailey Co. last evening at the Opera House was well attended. Tho womon-sndrrtgost3are meet- » ing at the Y. M. C. A. hall this [ afternoon. A sort of hon eon ’ vention. I i * The pleasmt aiul gentlemanly Msjor Henry Bertlera«un had a l double christening at bis house this morning. Tbe Honolulu Cricket club will engage in a practice match at tbe old U oreation grounds i this afternoon. » — - ■ ■■■ Tourists should visit the Japaueaestore ou Hotelstreet kuowu as Dai Nippon and inspect their 1} new stock of goods. i Oneof the well knownresidents ■ of Waikiki was prohibited froin : voyagiug to San Francisco tbe stoamer AostraIia. i j 9 | Tbe usual Sunday service will • j l*e held tomorrow at the M ikiki % rifle butts. Prorainent metnbers % of the Ceutnl Union will be i present. *> | i i Measrs. Ordway and Porter, the popular furnitnre dealers, : display their p«trouage iu the • he«vy aml many loads whieh is 5 s?ut from their establishraent l daily. * Tho tax-j>aven» and Min:st€r - Damon are plo*sed with the speoimen o( the handiwork sbown ■ ;by Holomi a employees in the j hnaneial reports printed iu last nighfs paj*er. The schooner ashore at Col. I Sherwoo<rs Long Hranch estab- ! iishment is still in tbe same posi- “ ! tion. The direotion of the wind * l t! is expected to prodnce a heavy “ swell tomorrow. t Tbe * boldiog ground” of tb« ‘ Anchor rehabiliī it«ted uadcr thedirectiou of Sen t «tor Cunniugbam, and fr‘.re “ benoeforth the varions stimulenU M will taste better from tbe improv “ ed surrouodings now present«bl( « in tb popul«r of eall.

Mr. George Smithies is the secret*ry »nd tre*surer of * newly incorpor*ted organiz*tion. H. B. M. S. ehm.pion left port here yestcrday on a gnn-practice crnise. Three tonrists retarned. by the steamer Hall yesterday, from a vLsit to the VoIcano. The new route mn over by Smith’s hu» is proving of advantage to the enterprise displayed. I The steamer M!.riposa is due here from the S<nth on next Thursday. Rear-Admiral Walker was en tertained by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown Iast evening. Tue proponents of the will of the late Charlotte Ad*ms have been given a verdi;t, by a jury, in their favor. The Circuit Court is not brightened enough by thi legal luminaries prosent o’nights so electricity is to be ndded. There is no truth m the st »rv tbat Thnrston intends to use the new “Fish-M*rkef' for a suramer residence. The pur.sers on the lnter-island steamers are to be(h«nged about Kelly, of tbe Mikahala, gMng to j the IwaLani, \Vhite to the Hall aud Pooi to the Mū:ahala. Road 8urperviscr Cummings has h«d a verdiet given against him in a elaim for damages, to the ainou.iit of $500. Kaulnkou for plaintilT. Popular u arrv Miller at the Pantheon is adding to his reputation as an artistic ;nix;ologist by the skill displayed and the neatness and rapidity of his work. Harry furnishes the best brands of liquors from original packages i , on!y. Tho power of the ’Tiser is now i 1 directed in editorial abuse against a faithful public servant, the pnrveyor of the Queen’s Hospital. The Tiscr people always did have a ‘ kiek ’ agiinst , Mr. Eckhardt; other papers do not.