Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HWH HOLOf/IU\, » M’HLIeHEO Kverv -A.l'ternoon aCEIT 8trXDAT BT THE Holomua Publiohiag Co. At King St. (Tboma8 block), Honolulo, H. 1. sr2::r.:?r:c:r. psr icmth, so ct& Th<> pt;4>r is <leliT«-rp<l by Oanieni in ihe to» n «mi raburbs. Single Copi«tt iyt Sale ms |he NVw» lk«l, rs au<l ut tbe OSoe of pnblicati(>u. EOUUHIO HORRIĒ. - - Editor GēORGE E. SUITHIES • Manager XOTICE. All Bnmn<*s« CV>aunurication» shoal<l be a<liire 1 to G«-<<rge E Smithies Honolulu, >1. I. e'oneupoiuienoe an<l OomiunmoaUonn tor puHi ' tujn «hii«l(1 he iul.lrr—scil to the E<litor jUw.tii Huion.ui. Xo nutic« will bt paiii to anv uiuuiTuioui< coaiuinnicatiouu. Uussines.s C’a,rds A. l'. FET£ilSON, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. 113 Kaahniuann '-♦rcet. Uonolnln liawaiiau Islands. CHAKLES GREIOHTON. ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Offi.>e: 113 Kaahniniinu Slroet, Hmolulu Huwiiiian lelamU. PAUL NEUMANN. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. 314 Mercbant Stroet. Honolalu, Motual Teiepbone 415. CLAH£NCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNET AND C\>INSELIX)K AT LAW. C>ffice. OUl C'<ipitol Rnildinit, (Honolnln H.ile), adjoiuing l'ost OiHoe, Uonolnln. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTORNEV AT LAW, Office, conu'r King A Bethel Sts, LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate anei General Auctioneer. Coruer Fort *nd Qneca S:reet», UouoK'.ln Peeaonnl Attonti-'n given to Saies of Fornilore, H»*.-*! Estate, Stock «n»l Oenen'I MercLandise. Uninal Trf«pbone 23S A. ROSA, ATTOHNKY AT_LAW, No. 15 KaabnraanuSt, Honolula. Uawaiian lslauds. THOMAS LINDSAY Ma n nfactwri ng JetceUt a*ul ir aichiuakrr, Uelwnii Kloeh. Fort, Str. Honobiltt 3V£erchant Kxchange Corner King auo Nauanu 8tr«eU. S. I 8KAW....Mana**r. Th« Fine*»t «eWeiiun of LIQC(>RS aad BELIt. aoid anywfa«re iu the Uom. lTrst-claw> atteudaitoe. OaU aiui jndge loryooKell. no 113-n. BRUuE & A. J. 0ARTWRI0HT Houn«sk of a Fidncianr Kainie Tr*naact»l. Pw*pt attention gir»a to the inanaji«nteat of EkUU-n e «aniunahipa, Tnuu, «tc.. *tc. <wc. Ojfuse«, ; CcLiwrigkt B*Ud\ng, HomUan 8treo<, Hoaolaln