Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — OUR VIGOROUS FOREIGN POLICY. [ARTICLE]


The p. g in Search of Territory. When it wm e«rn-tl last niglit th.it tli»* steamer Iwnlani helo g i; g t<> ♦! e lnler lsian<l M«;.rnsLiji ( ;i)|.iriv lioil l»een *1 H(>atelit<l «:t!i a fl*gst«fl. a CHl)in»t tninist» r •*><* ton> of eoal, «n 1 j>r >visions f>r 10 <lays f i tLe })(ir|>osi; of e u(iu«-nng Johrison lslnn<l. an un'.nli l>it> >l nx k in the Nortli Pactfic. tli«> heart> f the f;iithfiil f.)liu*»( rs of Allnh |) 1«.* hwelleil sith |>i i(l*‘ ;ind special hemioe at tbe (’entr>l Uniuii »;is ordered fui tli«* | urj*« s« <•{ j>rayingforthe l»rav>‘men uho fearle>siy fooght K >«>lau. his wifennd chi!d i*u«' who n w hi«l (lehanee t<> tho other gullsthat inhahil Johnsou Islaii(l. T1 e e\|redition ik>w ondertaken has l*een contempl«ited for ahouL thre«; weeks. It has heen known to tli«* g()verniuent thnt the Cm mliaii Austi<i 1 i.*n Cuble »illuot touch lluiiolnln. Imt ue (luul.it vcrv mueh that Johiison Islaiul is the s|>oi aelecte«l l»y Great Hritain to inak** a Cable station. ’i he IhIhiuI «<f Niihau i~ the most snit.ihle j«Iuce for siich a jmrpose aiul it is g(*ii(*rally l>elievo<l that iic.Totiatiuii8 h.ive l>t** n carrie*l («n f<.*r Hoine t'iuo lielwoen the owncrs i*f tlu.t island aml the Hntish goTerument for a transfer of th>* j)ro|H;rtv. Johnson 1sIiiikI l)i*loiigs t'« liic.it Kritain —sosa_\s (ir.*at Hiilain and it is really a oauso for a(lmiration that Capt. King vi is fonmi \villiug and rcadv to cut the elawH of the l.iun and t\vist the lail of the Uuieom l*v sticking nj\ Jiis tl gj)ult*. his fiag aiul his nuse in a j*art of th«* Hritish (loiuinion. i»ut whv all tliis Koorocy f Uhy this outrag«*«*us \\ aste \ f pulilie nmuw A H'fiv t!iis igm>ring <>f tho AdW visorv ('uuueil by the Ministers? I l>o *s the KxecutiveC >«ncil thmk : tlmt it is tbove resj>onsibility aiul « abuvo the lawH' It seems so. There ean be uo reason for a LilIij>utation goverunu*nt like the p. g. tu undertake navil exj>editions aiul it vertainly o»(8 tbe ta\j>a\ci-s n fuil and c(»niplet« explanation of its e\peuditures. Hie country is sorely crij»j)levl by llu* ui)beardof extravagauceof the revolutionary govornmeni. The c\j>cditiou to \V«sbiugtou cost the j>eoj)le $1‘1,000 or 14 (HH.) withuut uny bem*fit l>eing derived. Tbe chartenng fur 10 days <>r iuore of the Iwalaui to send lier on some juuketing exjHditiou will vost aootber g*Kidly sum. lf the governmeut is to lun fur the bem>fit <»f the two Kh uI stean s|,ip eonn unu-> we!| and good. ll.it the taxpayers ought to La\e a elean uuderstanding uiul know all about it. The rv>asuu given fv>r the .K*sp«tcb v»f tbe King « xj e.lition i> that u mau name.l lleul arrive.I bv the WarriuuH», an<l told fbe i>. I g. geveruinent tliat the pn»jected j cable woul.i n<»t t<> toucb ut Houo- ■ lulu. The v»nly Keul v»n board ! the Warrimoo \\us H.»n. JRobert Keid, Mmister of Defeote, iu 1 Victoria. W - vloubt very inueh | tbat he wuuld furni»h tbe p. g. oflicially with auy infonuation as to the mU>nded uelioua of tbe Kntisb, Canadian or Austruiiuu govemincnt«. And wrbat grHxl lt w ill dv» Hawaii to have its tlag, n while agn coustantly vlerivled j by the p g.. fiv»atiug on a rock in j l’aeilie*. we do not know. Ifj Git;»t Kritaiu or any other j»ower j wants tbe r<x*k tbe pre«euce of! tbe Hawaiian fiag is uf verv sma!l niomenL If MinistcrKing had takeu the army (!) witu him, »nd left the ex commander-in-chu*f-uo\\-witheut-any-r.»nk the taxp*yers migbt buve forgiveu Kim and hia colleagues. Now tbe naeleaa exj ense .nd illegal , waste of public money will aimpiy act a& anotber nail in tbe ( provibioual goverunieot s ooffin. ■