Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 124, 28 May 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


— The Roval Archers meet tonight TLe raoe track i» being pot into splendid coodition. Ilarden’s case l>efore j Jndge Robertson on the 31st. Dr. Goto the specialist retnrn to his post at Molokai to- ' day. The Fourth of Julv Committee beld a preliminary meetiug this morning. ■ ■ ' — The Athletic Association will roeet at 7:‘30 p m. in Y M. C A. parlors. The p. g. bund will give the usnal cwncert at Einma Square this evening. The Council will hold a meeting to elect L. A Thnrston to t!ie soat vacated by Mr. Sntr.

Next Wednesday is Decoration Day. Tbe day will be observe*l in the customary raanuer.The Iwalani nnd Champion were soen off Niihau in a ueek neek race /or Necker lslaud. Sans Souci ar.d Loug IJranch the two popular seaside resorts were well patronized j'esterday. ( The Hawaiian Hardware Company are doing a breezy business in Aerraoters and French cutlery. Silversmith T. Lindsay will be be able to supply tbe comingcnp of baby *'Sahford ’ with silverj rings.

There is a belief that the Adverti#er and Harden conspired with Dailey to got the company a big “ad.” Sans Souci is receiving deserved patronnge whieh justities a liberal expenditure iu improving its bathing facilities. The “Wbite Fe«ther Brigade” is a course of worry to the belted Knight of the black Plume on Merchant street. The Dailey Company will miss Frank Hoogs, to whoae facile and poelie pen their successful reason is largely due.