Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 124, 28 May 1894 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


■ 1 Delegates Iosepa and Kalaa. with a great store o( “Constitational ’ knowledge arrivec y«sterday. Mr. W. G. Smitb. forraerIy editor of the Si>xr will l(ave the coantry for the States ou Thu.rsday bv the Marip>sa. Mr. Smith has been rusticating at Sans Souci severa! weeks. Mr. Cadolf Spreckels and partv wiil leave for Mani to—morrow. Mr. C. A. Brown Ieft on the Austraha for Washingtou where he intends to watch eventual negotiations in regard to tte transfer of certain pieces of ;>ropertv near Fearl Harbor, on whieh Adrairal Walker has mrde and forwarded estimates. Mr. David Center will perforra ; the dnties as manager of Spreck’ ( elsvil!e during the ten;porary absence of his brother Mr Hngh Center. Mr. Liueoln Spencer arrived in town yeeterday. I C"lonel Henn* Bertleraan met with a pniufal accident while bathing ort‘his Waikiki residence, in timt, he, while diving hit his liead with a considerab!e force ;igainst a coral rock. Tbe Col. is able to be aronnd, but he looks liko a prize fighter or a man re- 1 ' cent!y iuterviewed by “ » noble red man.”