Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 124, 28 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.WA.il HOLOMUArrBLI8HED Everv A.fbernoon f.XCEPT SCXDAT BT THE Holaaua Publishiag Co. At King St. (Thomas block), - Honolula, H. I. jvr::r.:?r:o::. per iCoath, 50 cts. Th» cr i» <<pliTfrwi hr (’amem in the tn«-n aii'i »niiurh.. SinKl«> Copi“« f>r !?*le >t tbc N«w» De«)«n au'l at iLe Of5oe of pnbtication. EOUU’.O NORRIE. - • Edltor GEO*CE E. SviTHIES ■ Manager X OTICE. A.II lin»in.~« Comaiui’lc*tion* sb >uM be adiirewi to Goorge E t>mitbies Honolulu, H. I. tVrresi«>nocnor an 1 C<omninnication« for unhlieaUon abould l>e «ddrw».«cd to tbc Editor llawaii H li'inua. Xo notice will be paid lo any auonyn:oun oommuuiealiona. liusiuoss Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Ofior: 1IX Kaahnmanu S*n»t, Honolulu Huwaiiau Islaads. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTOUNET AT LAW. Otfi.« 11.1 Kaahnmann Strect, Honolnln Huwaiian laUnds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY at law. 311 Mercbant Stroet, Honoiulu. Mutn.il Telt>i>houe 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD. ATTOENET AND COrNSEIXOR AT LAW. Officc. 01d CapitoI l>ailding. (Honolnln Uale), adj«>ming Poet t>ffioo, Honolulu. oOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offioe, coruer King <fc Rothel Sts. LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Real Est.\te aiid General Auctioneer. Comer Fort and Qu »ea Streete, Honolnln rersomtl »ttention given to Salee of P«rniture, Renl Estate, Stook «nJ Gener«I MeicLandise. Il3tnal T.d«obone 23S A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT % LAW, No. 15 Kaahnmanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian lalanela. THO.MAS LIXDSAY Mannf‘jctnring JfuvUi and U’aieJimaier, MfIocrny H'oek, 4A5 Fort, Str. HoaohHa \Iercliant Kxchange Coraer King ana Neuaua S:rr> i». S. 1. SHAW...,Uanager. Tbc Fmc«t aeleeliou ol UQCOR5 and BF.KU, eold anywhcre in tbc lown. Fm>t-claee attrndanoe. C*U acd jndgc for yoanteif. oo 1! S-U. ēhīioe & A. j7cartwricht Huainea* ol« FiJnciary Natnre Tn&ncted. rruffl|>t att<>n:..>n oieen to the managrnaent of G i»rdiantinpa, Tm,;« e*c., etc. Ojkce*, Ca 'itcright Buildtng, S«rjeV Uoaoiaia