Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 124, 28 May 1894 — Patriot Hartwell. [ARTICLE]

Patriot Hartwell.

Tiie <>f thin eraiTient h<1to ca$e $hat the ?ict»ou oi the ohpar* chy in the matter of framing a C -n*<t;tnti'jn »hall lx- ab<K>lute a i fi’i:i s W'irtby of the speeial pl* ;i<ier whose patriotic eloonenee in thc- s icre<l can8».* of des;>utīaiD irt fired by « fat f-e. H»rtweir.s .rticle in !.«-t S«tnr dajr*8 A l>rri<*rr sh<>n'.l Le C;«rofully reu l The arguraeot for the plaini tf is <o fearfully «nd w<»nderf div held t<>g-ti!er bv th»t ain notbingaer.s whieh Hartwe!i is .such an artist iu vv<>.«ring $hut it were saerii*‘<<e to hjku<l!e it us ;t i«ierits. The foil u ing ehunk of 1< gnl espo sition, niight be supposed to refer to tbe uctiun of some Pro v aionai govcrnraent iu £urope during the d.«rk ages: Tlie legis!ative power of tbe Pr<Aisi<>u«l governraent has be«n fu ly Hndgonerally coneedtsl. and has be< n reguiarly exerc sed ■inee Junuarv 17,18113 In the ex< rcise of tb«t power, the law w <s enacted for a Coustitutioual Convention. to "Haino a consti1 ut'«>n. L‘ntil a constitutiou sh li fiu.'tily be ud(.pted, the | rovision‘«l g V( ri>nient contiiiues to ei<Tcise all exdcutive and legislative powora. The Rnpportere of the governrnent. wlio hare hitherto siistained it iu tbe perforrn »nce of its respunsible fnnctions, have no reas<>n to d strust its integrit\ and ,ibillty to adopt a constitution w 'i* nfr >rued by the couvention. whieh shall secure $heir eou fidence and approval. Is it uot then, ail things considered. wiser to leave tho whole niatter of framing aml adopting or euacting a Cunstitutiou, to ttie action oi tiio conveution and tiio Pro visioual («ovovnnientī <* don’t propose to \vastt s!'i>ce in point;ng ont the selfeviilent absurdi:ies an<l misstatements inthe above. The fact tlia$ tho ‘‘goven»mont’ to whieh Mr. H *r$well refers, hasremained ‘‘ProvisioimI to tlr.s dny aiul has not takeii l!ie proper steps to get beyond that inf>mtile stage by appealing to the rightfui eloct<>rs of Uie counlry. is a valid ‘ plea in bar" to Mr. Hart\vell’s elaiiu. The appeal to the “sup* poiters of the govornment who have hitheito sustained it,” to oai ry by force this | roposal to ignore all outside of its own eiiole; is uu-Amoiioan, and as a defia nee of tiie taxpaying leg«) eleotors of the country. any suoh attorapt as that j<roposod bv Mr. Hartweli to enact a C*>nstitntion by raero forco is revoIotiouary and dangerous.