Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 124, 28 May 1894 — The Advertiser Scalp-Hunter. [ARTICLE]

The Advertiser ScalpHunter.

T1 e .1. !•> r(is- r h«s l;.tely steer edclenrof the war-pntb. G<»verniuent ot&cials haVe h-ul peaee. Theirpi sitiouS(and aal »ries) have uot l»eeu tlie d»iiy « bject o£ ti»e notor:ous Adi‘erti*ct' eovetousness. The iouiahawk Las bet*u burietl, as it were, tbe pipe o£ f»eaee lit, and the co t of warpaint scrubbed otl‘ the phih.s. - phieal editor of the semi-otlic)al | aud subsidized or>;.in. That tbie state of ari'airs couldu't last verv long, va« easy to St*e. B«t it ; was rather suiprising, when the war-whoop again was heard from *’tbe nobl«* red man’s” Leadquartt rs, tbat it was 3irecled against an employee of un iastitution uot l*elouging to the Qoverntnent aud uot agaiust one of the fortunates who bave their paws iu" the | llawaiian treasury. Suj»erjutendent Eckhardt of tbe Queen‘s HoapiUl was the man against '• whom tlie Adi>eriiger loosened its bile, who cau>< J the dcfender of | primitive babits and banauas to 1 dip his j>en,in the b:tteiv3tof gall. Mr. £ckhardt must bo fired out ! tomakeroom for—welluover mind I wboin, uud the Advtrii»tr j>rojx*es to *‘write him oul." Fortunat©lv for the community aud for the Queeu’s Hoapilal, the lrustecs of tbat wortby iustitution do uot allow the Adverti«er to

'lictAt»> to {hem aud tfccy are both r>: uly »iiJ ab!e to t.ke care of cheir o* n atf.»ir« an<l competent to fo!Iv appreci»te the worth «ad pood 8trrice8 of Mr. fcktkhardL Mr F. A Schaefer has written an exceetlingly proper letter to t!»e A : rr* \.<rr, whieh in tbis morning's issnc, and in whieh he T?i;dicates Mr. Eekhar.lt j>erf. ctly. Tue A hf:rtl*er has an old gra<lge agaiust Mr. Eckhardt an<i it is als<3 snrnoise«l that it has a sj-ecial. shall ne vtv ; <it, who it wouhi like to see aj»p<>ii:te<i lo ihe rather weiit>iid oiHee. The fliir,sy reason givcn f*<r its attack is th»t Mr. Eckhardt nfū?«'S to f irnish inforiu.itiOD r*-i »ting to inm it?s of f tfcc H 'j»it 1, tscept during certain hnars a day. The statl’ <>f tlic H >sjiītal is as lira.tcd as ire its me i ss. and tiie mao.ageaent li.ts iiot yi t heeu «b!e to n--e its way to eng»ge »n emj»Ioyee t<> rcceive newspaper men during tiie uight ur resj>ond totelcphone calls from the inightv oflice c>f th« m ghty raorning shcet Mr. Eekhanh has no siueeure. He works hard an 1 is at all honrs rea<ly t<> the chI1s of the sutferers when they need him. Bat to <-xpect that be should get up at any hoor in the night to answer itera-seeking reporters or to rc;«<l poiite (?) notes frora persons iu no way eonnecte<l witli any uf t <e putients is a little too absurd. lu no Hosj>ital n Ei:g ind or Gennanv wouid a repurter be .druittod except during aj>pointed huurs of the day. lu fact the doors of those Hospitals wouhl be slapped iu his n<>se if lie sboul l j>reseiit bimself iu search of infonnation outside the regular hours and they wonld be siapj>ed in a very rude and very brusquo manner bv a verv nule and very brusque d orkeej»er. There i>r in tbis town about half a dozen or iuore newspapers. Lct us imagiue th.it eaeh of theiu should sclect to ring np Mr. EekhanU at dilferent tiines betweeu 11 j>. ru. and 5 a in. asking for some frivolous iuforiuation; wouhl t!ie A>lvertistr then eonsidor it reasonable or |>roper that tbe suponntendent shoo!d get j out of bed eaeli time for the jnirpose of answering sucb frivoīous questions? Or <loes tbo grr<it r bolds tliat it and on!y it is entitled to “rir.g np” and !>e beard? Tbe nigger in the fence in tliis instiince is t >o pl un, but it is pleasaut t > aote tliat ueither t!ie ncket of tbe Atlverfiser or of its “very j>ro»ment physieiau” will work tliis timo. Mr Eekhnrdt’s excell«nt servioes wi!I bo e mtinued for tbe benefit of the Hosj)it;ti and tlie comraunity aud lie will not be dosired to act as a sluve t<> tho wliims of the Adverii<er. Aud then it wouhl be of interest to loam tlie name of the Advrtisers “very prominent physician.’’ Trot it out and thereby disc!ose the features of the Africau in the wood-|iile.