Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 124, 28 May 1894 — Another Proposition. [ARTICLE]

Another Proposition.

The following l itter to tiie Xew Vork Ht)\dd is \v>rtb of perussi by all interesteil in the woioau sutlrage qnestion: To the Eilitor of the Herald:— Is the present demands of the women sntfr ;gists. whose meetiugs your admiraule paper reports from tinie to time, fonnded on reason ! and justice, or b\ reason and in conseqaencesof the p resont hl»er- ! ated coi.ditionof wouian, in eom- j parison with her condition of verv limited legal and soeial • riglits and powers, undei the old i eommonlaw' In her desire to mle, does she not somewhat | resemble the French revolntion- ; ists iu their wikl. mad etTorts to min France in ;he Region of ; Terror, aftor having overthrow oppression? And it is not the cause thereof prsttv mueh the aame—namely. icability to eou- j trol the impn!se cf the new eondition to take the plaee and | pt'wers of their fo raer oppressor? Let me respect:nlly ask tl em whether they agree or dis.gree with the followmg- Natnre and • society ineline to tbe uuion of the sexes in marri ige »s it exists iu moderncivi!ization. Manriige wjth exceptions, is always eontemplated, aud it is for the Lest ■ interests of man i nd womao and society geuerallv tbat it sbonid be »«'>. Marriage creates a ncity of interests betw«en tbe part:es, | j They become a so;ial nnit. They j form a social co-}v,.rtnership, wilīi eqnal rigbts aad oblig»tū ns, | tho;igh dili«ricg n their natcre, | | just as the agrted duties of bu»i- *• i uess cop«»rtners differ, yet with ; txjua! powers. The law recog- ; n:zos the fauiily as a polUieal; auit Is it not best aud proper il \ shonld? It, tberefore, giYea to 1 I such unit of man and womau oue | ’ vote and makes tbe man the deie-'

gate to represent tbe family. becuose by his very nature and parsaits he is tbe best adapted !.»r Ihe wort. jast as ene partner is best adapte»i for indoor and anotber f«r oatdoor employment. As to tbe poiitical rights. therefore, oi a married coapfe f >nning? one iuterest, it is har<l to see on wbat groand two repr*-sentat»ves eun be jastilv elaimeil. And if one, on whntgr> ond ilrs SutfrAgi>t elaim» it? This priacip!e of nnity of mterest and smg!e repre-i aeniihon of tbe same is recogn;zed as the basis of political pr«ce-1 dnre tr«>m the r>rimaries to tbe White Honse. Wby >bon!d it not apply t« married aniU I»eg*nling tbe p<>ssible resu!ts of two votes to a married eonple. permit me to ask m all sincerity ■ wbat benefit wouKl t hr:ng to( either > If politically nnited lbeyj wold voto as one. and the re>nits woald de{>end Iurgt?ly upou the fuct whethsr there were more repablicans or democr.its uuited; in marriage. with prob ible advantage to the democrats. If uot politically one, then —well, thea the immediate cousequeuces aml the final resnlts may easiiy be imagiued. Cert-«in it is that l>olitical diflerences wo'iui never lead toconj 'gal harmony. 11 hy. , then.and for wbat ruu tr eiisk' And nuw about siu-4le women and w.dows' (rive t)iem the right to vote. C»nit be jastly denied j to educated whste women and granted to ign»rant colored menli aud I ask the questiou without i tke slightest wish to dis{>arage | that people. Can it be denied toj single women of posstion and interest iu society and be given to trampsiand outcastsof the male spccies all over the Uuionl Cer- f tainly uot. Therefore give widows| and single women equal rigbt to vote with men. Now as to the right of woman to liokl political oftice. I pass over the matter of the right, believing that womeu shou!d sociallv, legally and politically equal : with mau, und ask agtin if mau is not better adapted for the position tbau woman, even as wiomen are better adapted for the position and duties of mother? Women have beeu rulers and great oues, it is true; women have been a power both cnaud hehiuii the throne. \ ictoria is still a power, and at tlie head of a gre:it | nation. And historv is fnll of| great and wortby women. Their! capacity is not qnestioned. Their riglit s"huuld nut be questioued. But it is a serious question whether they woukl be the“nght j maii in tbe right plaee.’’ Are tliev uot the power behind the throue anyway, for is it not true that “the hand that rocks tho cradle rnles the world? Therefore, is it u >t best for the , community that womau rule the home and mau tbe uation? I ask no qoestiona at present regarding tlie alleged industrial, social aml legal wrungs and «bs ibilities uf woman. L shouhl be very pleased to be first strengthene«l in or l ousted r>ut of my staud on the political issue. Eespectfully submitte«l for the consideration of tbe ludies. I i have the honor to rem iin. Yours very truly, A. J. WlLsON. Manon Avenue, Fordham,N. J. 1