Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Another Scare. [ARTICLE]

Another Scare.

Tbe Poliee Juilge and Depnty Marshal were plodding as nsoal tbrongh the criminal business of the Poliee Court this moruing ! when a lady h >lding a small tin box, at arms Iength from her. : ! approached the prosecnting . otficer with the cry, “there it is, j ; Uke it.” and depo*itiug the box i i immedi >telv Ieft the Court with I » an air th it indicated an import- ; ant engagement elsewhere. The startled M«rshal, probably rom- j inating for a momeni on the possibility of royalists aiui infernal machines at lenght ventured to appmaeh the uncanny lookiu' thing. whieh proved to eonlain nothing more d_-a.llv than the depositions whieh Harden. actiug as Couasersclerk. at the late prosecntion of young Fit*gerald together with a oolleelion of c:garette Tenoses. The dnm»tie dolivery in Court of tbe box, by the lady; Mrs. Gardener, (who iul not 'ike auythiug belongmg F.tzger»ld iu her bous -) and Ihe ndictilons revelatioo of the eomie eontents. for a naomeni upset tbe gnmty of ilth«CoaiU