Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 May 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The gnrernnBent scbools were clo»ed tod*y. ,* The Mariposa arrived at 10 a. m., abead of time. The Mariposa leaves to-morrow at 10 o'eloek a. m. Marshal Hitchcock is aronnd agnin and he looks happy. Did ever the three Snprerne Jnclges play “pink dominoes' ” The W. G lrwin arrived tbis morning; but bronght no later news. Captnin Larsen arrestel a nntorions celesti »l in C how Lin Cboug. The rising goneration of Por* tuguese are claiming to rale the roost and own the conntry. Tho new governorship of Necker Island will probablv be conferred on Sereno Bishop. ]t is rumored that the raanager of a verv lurge fuciory iu this town has resigned. The “black hoi-He’’ is monnted onee mbre and Captain Andrews is “ready.” Mr. Spreckels and party did not go to Maui yesterday. Mr. Spreckels is sntfering froin a | severe cold. A Dramatic Company said to be more talented tlian Daileys, is expected to open here on the 4th of August. A d vorce-snit, h marriage, and ji breaoh-of-promise suit will shortlv startle the ,4 selecf’ of Honolulu. Fr<>fessor Mauiiee will operute | the lime light lanterns for Revd. Mi. Iiice’s leotnre at Kawaiahao church Jnne 4th. The Hawaiiau iangunge was not nsed at the npening of khe Hawaiian Constitntional Convention, John W. Kalua, is stopping at the Eagle House. Mr. Baldwiu’s forraer friend (/) ex-noble Anderson alao lived at that bosteliy. Funny Coincidence. The procession in honor of Decoration Day started at *J;30 p ra. frora Harraony Hall proceeding towards Nunanu Cemetary. The Anstralian Ooveruraents endorse New Zealand in the m<>ve to annex Samoa and other West-Pacific islands. Some of the Star people have been sarapling new brands and got a bad dose of Kahunas and midnight powder aud snakes ( n ' raonday night. 1 I

The ,, Military” wjis oonspioaous thron<»h iis abseuoe this raorning when the oouveution : openetl. Soper & Co. were weit- ! chiug roya!ists from tue b:isement of the Palaee. r Beib HUil fnruiture be!ouging to the p. g. soldiers were bronght t > the ohl barrack ttxlay. Is it possible tbat the “pri»leof the nation” is to resi4e in the ohl houne where the ‘ltoyal ’ soldiers usevl to dwell? —