Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 126, 30 May 1894 — Shake Them Up. [ARTICLE]

Shake Them Up.

The eilitor of the Star is rebashtng the poetic editonaU with whieh ho favored the re.i(l«rs nf the Advtrti*er more than a \ear : ago, this is a .aample. “The : defunct monarchy whioli these gentlemen olaim is the “tonstitutional” governraent was coneeived by bribery and fraud and establishcd by force against the expressed wish of a large majority of the native poputation; aml uever could have heen cl ntinaed for anv l«ngth of time in a iy other

manuer.” 5 Tbe Star >nrelv reprinting part of au eJitori.il f«om tbe Holomui on tbo p. g , s;ibstitut ing tbe wurcl mouarchy for oli- , garcby;else what cloes tberevolving crank wbicb turns out tbe , above uieau bv saying tlie nion- ,. arcby was maintainvcl by force. The paid army of Keiakaua rangetl from 16 to 60 men Tbose sUle Slar editoria!s aie in need of mueh sbakiug up an.l sotue Salt. - j,