Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tue Adrertis*r who e»tobes a per>ons e_ve u> iali v wins h CQs:*>mer. Miuiv ditierent sty!ea of advertising have lH>ea a.ioj*ted and vritb m*>re or 1* >> sueot ss, I v tbe believer> iu tlio u>< of printers ;nk. Tho manufitctaren> of Pears Soap. for iust;»nco, occa>ion alJy bny paintiogs that havo beec on es.hibition in the Pan's S.ilon aud havj lithogntphs in;ule from thetu for tbe pnri>ose of bringing thoir pn>.l ict beforo the peoplo. In iiil lition t<> s>ich siJe issues, Pearspeuds haudreils thous.mds of dollais anaualli amoog the newspapers and mag:tzines. Some years *g > the Agonts of certain article on stile in Now York m.-ulo a hit in advertising by baving ou Broadway during bnsincss hours two fatluessly drcssetl Negroos wearing very higb c»llars ; on tho backs of whieh w ts priuted “Use Smiths Ptlls.“ The idea was novel and tho puhlie ouught ou. Kising Sun Stove Polish has been kept beforo the public for yeurs through persistent, and sometimes expettsivo advertising. Twenty odd yenrs ago the manufncturers of this po!ish started hnlf a dozeu men acrosathe oruiiueutto pamt sigus I on rocbs aud feuces. Tho Aermotor Co., of Chicago havo iu- | creased its sales moio than fivo , huudred per ceut in two years hy tho use of printers iuk. We I bohovo wo have been instriimon- ! til iu iucreasiug the sdes of ihe Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it iu Hawaii. We do uot wish to say that advortisiug will sell auy maiuifactured article; thore is no use speading mouey in advertising “eheap and nasty” goods because the people will not be hoodwiukeil. If Ilaviland Cbina was | not the saperior article jit is, all our advertising of it wouhl uot have sold the thousauds <>f pieeea that wo havo. Wo simply eall tho atteution of the people to it aud its superior quahty is appareut to the customer diroctlv a pieeo of it is examinod. Printers iuk ha» helpod the salo oftheJamos Loekod Uenee but i it would not have dones so if it had j boen as tiimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy there ; is in buildiug it recommeuds i it to the plantatiou manager au»l j tben its durability chuches tho j the sale. If the stays and washj erscost as mueh as an ordiuary ! redwood post our sales of the material woukl not have reached sach enormous proportions. Oar average sale of the Paasy Irou Stove is ubout two a day the year round. if was not the best iron stove on the market wo woukl not sell that many in six montbs. Advertisiog is the tip to the pnhlie the good points in tbearticle sells it jast as tho good qaalities of the Fischer Steel itange make it a desirable artic!e for people who wish tocconorni.se iu Lhe nse of fuel.

We bay only wbat hos proven i gooil alter people in tho L'uiieU States or Europe havo giren it a triai; we profit by their experince if the articies are goood wu bav aml sell tbem; if ttiey are poor we steer ciear of them. When we sdvertise an article it is to attract attention to it; the newspaper the batton we pasb, the salesmaa does tbe rest. Persistent advortising coapled I wtth the articie being a saperior . one has sold tboasands of tba ' Frans Walcot Emory File. If it had beeu no better than an or- | dioary scytha stone wq probably . wonid not bave solJ twenty, .■ Wheu a man finds out that h;s table knives may be kept sh >rp at all times at au expeuse of fifty centā and a rery liiile clbow grease he is quite wiliing to try tbe expenment MHaw aiisi HaNm 307 Fort Stre«l