Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Tbe Kinaa leares to-morrow oo ber asuil roote. The Aniwa is reporte<l a» crowded with passengers. The Cbamber of Commerce helJ I a toeetiog this afternoon. “ Convention ” cocktails a speci.-ilitr at tbe Commercial. — Tbe newsj>aper files at the Honoluiu Libran- are very ineomj>lete. The British Benevolent Socifty wil! meet tonigbt at tbe T. M. C. A. hall. I “Coustitution toddies always on a taji corner £»eretinia and Nunann streets. Harty Klemme rnixes Scbeutzen Clnb l’uneh with rare >kill at the ComrnerciaI. It is rnmored that therewil!T>e l s change in tbe Post Office at the eud of the month. If the Arawn arrives in jx>rt before dark tho band will give a concert at the Hotsl. The conquered idols from Nocker Island are exhibited iu tbe Golden Kule Bazaar on Fort street. Governraent officials were pleased today. It was pay-day and tho eoin was there. The Qnintette Clnb played at the Hotel last night for the Marij>osa passengers. An informal dance was gotten up. Senator Emmelulh was prescnt at the opening of the couvention yesterday althongh he arrived too lato to take his seat. Harry Klemme will contest the seat iu the couvention held by Kunuiakea before that body. C. W. Ashford is his attorney. A large nnraber cf eopiea of the Holomua were sold yesterday afternoon. Mr. Dolo’s speech was j>ublished for the first time. Judge Whiting has decided agaiust Harry Klemme who petitioned the court to order a recount of the votes cast at the late election. | i ' Jndge Whiting has issued a writ of ne exeat to prevent the dej>artnre from the country of W. H; Aldrich. The case was i heard tbis morning. ———— It is pleasing to uotice the i great Chief Justice hurrying down to Damon’s bank whenever his salary is paid. It went on deposit today at ll 49 a. m. Tbe Mariposa left withont Caj>tain Hayward, in charge of the first officer. The case of Foster vs. Hayward is yet on and will probably take all day toi j morrow. i Minister Willis calls a meeting of American citizens to arrange for tbe ce!ebration of the Fourth ofJuly. Tht meeting takesplaces at tfce Arlington next 8aturday at 7:30 o’eloek. I I P. C. Jones was liberal with [ “sody” waterandgiugeraleyester • day. He actually swamped tbe gat * \ lant anny with his temj)erance ; drinks.Tbe saloons did good work > afterwards;tbe boys are endeavoring toget “a elean taste’’ in their | mouths. A shocking murvler of a Japanese on Beritauia street is reported. Such events are getting so freqnent since the p. g. went into j>ower, that they are bardly ‘ i worthv of notice. ! i