Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

plaiional Inon Qr ££>■ Street, B«tween Alakea A Kiehanl Sts THE rXI'EBS!ONED *r* }'rejw*d to auke *U kssd» ol Iron Bpoaxe, Zint; Tia *n.l Le*d r**ttatr».. AIso Oeaeni Eepeii Stop for Stemxu Bice Mū:s Com Milli, W»ter W^L S Wmd Mili», etc. M»chmes lor ihe de*ning of ( oflee. Ciil r t>iU, Be&a*, Kaunie. $(.**], Pine*pple Leaeea 1 other Fihrpn-t l’Unl*. And Faper Suxk AKo Mirhines Cr Extno:mg SUrrb (ro* the Uiwo', Ana* Soot, c-te, ur All t)rder» promptly ittec<ie>) to. eVHITE, RITMAN <A CO. THH PiwisioDol liovenieiit IOFFICIAL LT3T OF MEM BERS AM) LOCATION UF BDREAUS. ExKCOTITK CoCNCtli. •■*. B, Ii.ile, t’r> <i i.- i! .if tr,- Pr n -■ ■ i ■. >rr» n>ent ut th- U«v*u«n bi40tl<, an<l Mtulster oi K<jretcn A3*ir> J. A. Kiu«. Minūter >f th» Interlnr. C M. Damnn, >1 1 nl*ter of Ftaot.ce, w. O. *niith, AtU rney-(ieiieral. Auvisort CocxctL. w.r. wiuter. Vlce f’rvi>:.lent »Mhe Pn>vl<tiotuU (t»vemiuent u( the .luwaiiau I<i|<tu>l«. C. Boite. John Kmiue!nth. (■«■II Br»trn, E. 0. Pennei, John Nott, w. F. Allen. John Eu«, Uenry W«terhouse, Jume« K. .vlonc m A. Youn», Ed. S hr, F. M. H«tch, Jo*. P. Meml >nc.i. Cht». T. K «leer>. Secret»rv Et. « >l Ad* CouucUs StPRKXK Coi RT. Hon. A. E. Jud<I, Chlef Iu«ttc>> Uon, K_. E. Biekertuu. Eir>l 1» <rt«te Juitic«. Hon. W. E, Ere«r. ->■<-onl A--.«iite Ju»tioe. Uenry Smith, Chief Clerk. Geo. Lue. >, I>eputy Cterk. C. F. Pclei> <n. >cc .nd Depuly Clerk. J. W«lter Jone«, Sten»j;r*pner. ClKCCIT Firt Cireult: }^^joaa Sec >nd Circutt (3lttul) A. N. K< i>oik»L Thii$!«nd E»urthCircmU CH«->»u)S. UAa»lto Flftli Circuit: (K»u»l) J. Unnl». Oilieen «nd Court r>vmi In Court Houie, Kirnr »treet. Siuimt lu H>it >!ul i- rhe «nt Mo i<l»y m Eebru»ry, M«y. Aui(ust«nd Nwem ber. Dkp«btiiknt or Euuiok Amm.». Offlceln C«pito! HiilMU >K. KUif »trect. Hi» Eiceilency S«ulorJ B. Do.e, Mlui»lerol Eorei*;u Aff»ir>. Geo. C. Po»er, Secrct ry. W. Uor»ce Lioiiel H*rt, Cl«rk>. D*rARTKK>-ror I.STKRI»R> Office lu Executlve Baiiding, Klng »treet. Hi.< Exceliency J. A. Kine. M;nUter ol Iutenur. Chiet Clerk, J *h < A. H«s.< ;nrer. AsiusU.it Cler»s: J,ime» U. Ik.v l, M. K. KeohoKaloie. Stepheu M*ii*u!u, Geor«e C. Kos« Edword S. Boy<L Bcrrac or Aorictltcrk asd For*»try. Presi<5ent: Hi» ExceUency toe Mtnlster ot lnter»>r. W.u. Ō lrwm, A!Uu H<-ruert, Jouu En.i. J «eph M vrsdeu, COatxni»«iouer *nd Secietttrv. CHlKrs or BCRKaC9. I.TTKRIOK DRPARTMXXt sur»’eyor-<r«ner»l. W. 11. AleXinaer. SupL Puhl e Worxs, W. E. Ko.. <<u_ snpt. W«ter W;.rKs. Audre*r Brown. In»pector. £!ectno Uirhts, John C»ni<ly. K«-i{i»tr»r <>f C >iirey«uces, T. <>. Thnim. Ho-d Supervt»or. H noluiu, w. H ea amliw» Chiel Eni(iiie<-r Jire Depl.. J«s. H. HuuU sapt. luiaiie Asyium, Dr. A. jtcW*yne. Dkparthx.st or Fisahck. Offlce, KxecatPre BuU.iinx, Eln« »treet, jitnl»tcr ot Ftn«nre, Bt» Exce!ieacy S- M. D»u>on. Aa<lttor-Geoeral, Ge»rjre J. R»«». KesUtnr ul AeeunMa. W. G. Aī i!er. -ierx »1 Eiuanee <«hre, E. A. Melneme. Jol.ector-< >rner»i »i e i»t»ui. J u, B. < »>tle. r*x Asaewor. Uiha. J .<«. s . w. Depaty T«x Awe*».r. W. C. W’wlon. t'utm*4ter <jcu«r»i, J. Mort U*t, Oi'nou bckkac. >IBee. Ciutoin Uoaoe. Esp!*a*de. Fort iitc«t ’oaertor-Geuer»!. J B C«ctle. H-puty-C<j .ect»r E. B. Mcet e*er. l»rtK>r a«aer. C*i>t»u A, r I.ler. *ort Surrey.r. M. 5 S»n ter». loPekeep- r. G«orjfe C- .itr»tem*> er. ,Dspastxxxt or Apoknkp-Ok^kkai. Offlce Ln Execa:ive BaUd!a«. Kia* »treet <ttomey-Geo«r*l. w. O. Stnl;n *puty AtP>riiey.Gejer*L o. K Wllder. Vr», j. m. k-» Ur*u*j. E. G. Uileheoek. ierk to M»rth*i. M. M. Dow. «paty M*tmi*j. Artn<ir M. Un»n. iilor Ob*hu Pn*co. J. A. Low. ri«on Phy»n»*a, Dt. C. B. Co»p«r. vBOAK2> OW tHX10KAT10l>. p!*kJe«t, 91» ExceUeoey A. Eīn*. ember oi tne Bo»rl ol iauanmWiau: Mon. J. B. Alhenon. J*«. B. C»*tie. Hon. A. 8. C.e*n-.ni, Jhm«s G. ipeac*r, Muk P wwt*rT, Wr»f T*y!oc. Boakd or Oiun. .la Krvjad» of Coart Houm BaiJT!ax ot MuiUnl *ad(kieoa*tr««t*. Dr. D«t, Dt. Mloer. Dr. Aadrew». J W*MThoa«r Jr„ Joah En«, Theo. f. 1-.«.: «nd Attoruey • <eaer*i Scnllh. ““• 4 —• -tlon. w. u 5.mta. -Cbflw. Wikox. •> Offlcer—C- B. BeraobU. --f • <‘1 s«n*K«r ut Vei rlc*~ ncrre. t Phy»icu i, ī>r~<>°B!*Āa.lrew». y, Dr. M. W. ilowanL * , Dr. K. K. u»ver. BoAKn or Eoccati.mi. 1 Hoose BuLlln* t Klu*>tre«t Hou. C R. Bt»h- >p ~. J*me» tehooi». A. T. Atkinsoo. Dl3T*JCT Ooew. <*u!eut, H tta»9titlao laiUliK, Mereh*at nmi 3. X. Eahanaoa, MagUtr*t*. tm A. TWwnwon, CW>