Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — THE CONVENTION. [ARTICLE]


Wise Men THEIU DOIXC;s. The Con&titatioDal Couventi jd was eaileU to order at 10 a.m. bv the President. the abseiitees being Messrs. W. Horner, Bu te and Sabr, Prayer was otf r* d ’>y theRevJ K aahane. A comin:ttee on cre<l«uti iis was appoiuled a.id reported f tvorablv on ILe is--enible«l delegites credeoti is. Mr. Brown arg**d that i e > u mittee to fr.nne raies sbouid uow be npi ointod. The Presidentj •.vbile agreeing, be!d tbat itue?d. uot prereut the progress of general basinessiIr.Wilder tbonglit tb:»t before j>roce««ling further the memhenshoo!d be sworn iu. Tiie A General said t';e b»il j providiug for tbe conventiou w,»s silent ou the jioint, but if mombers sbould deeai an oatb uecis- ■ sary, one embr.tcing tbe j>nu-;i- | ples hitherto ailiriued by suppo -t j ers c f the governiueut c>>uld oe ; used. Several members thougbt .m oatb similar to that administerod ' to e!ectors and osndidates :>e ! administered Mr. Kalna tlioug!it the o ; »th already takon was s:ifficient He had no objectū>n to anotiu r oalli if it eouhl be showu to be uue essarv. The Attorney General thoaght the oath should b** takeu so as to , set tl»e matter at rest. The Pre.sideut tbought the o »tb referred to hy Kalua b iug un e!ectors’ oath, wouKl not apj ly | t>» tiie present oceasion Aft r some discnssiou by Mr. ! Kalna iu 0|*p sition to another | uath on the ground that-the !»w | did not provide for it, and fr« m Messrs Ioseji», Hitchcock a.ul Biown in favor ōf a speci.il oalh. The motiou passed. The Attorney General read an oath wliieh was deorned aj»j>licahie and unaniiuously ad<u ted. It was moved by Kalua tliat f ! the Chief Justico be invited to j uttend and udminister the oath, , and Mcssrs Kalua Pogue aul ! Vivas were aj»pointed to w.»it npon HisH »nor. who immediatelv eutervd aud eaeh memLer arose and took the oath. The eleetion of officers was the j»roceeded with wheu tiie Rev. j i Waiainaa was elected Chaplain ; unopposed. For Secretary Dr. Rodgers was the unaniraons ehoiee. For Sergeant-at-arms, tbere were tliree caudi»lates, W. J. Sheblon, i proposed by Cecil Brown; D. Nahoolewa, j>roposed by W. Rice and J. L. Carter nominated »y : H. Waterhouso. Mr. Carter w s elected. For messenger Kihumuku re | ceivod 28 votes and H. Vierra 5. i For Interj»reter Luther Wdoox was unauiinouslv elecied on tle moiion of Johu Eua. The Attorney-general moved i jto aj»j»oiiit a Sienugrapher ; whieh was left to a eommillee. Commuuicuiions were next in order when tbe Seeret3rv ro:.d ! two letters from the Anuexatioa i . Club and the American Union | Party in favor of allowiug the } ‘’freedom of the tioor” to L. A. Thurstou. The reqaest was ab y urged by Messrs. Smith, Cartor ; and Bobortson and after much| debate, tbe re<iuest was Tut«d ! irregular and the request refuscd by a vote «>f 33 to 3. The Convention tben adjooroed i 1 to meet at 10 a. m. tomorrow.