Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — TWICE DEFEATED. [ARTICLE]


Thnrston Isn't Wanted W« no<» d ttie si|;n'fic>int rjrfeiit of l.<*rrin A. TLurston m o«ir v.ster.!. \'s iv»ae «i,ea ve re-|K>rt*-«i ti»(t Imh iiujm<!.-ut r»-(jae>t t<» l*e given tlio * freedum of tbe H<»or in tlie Coo*titatioual CoiiVi nti()U was rote«l dowu by nii over«ri el:i:ing maj>inty. Lafer in tlie (i.«y iilH (rien<is unule unotiier Btten.j»t t > get Ihe celebiat ed «howiuan nn tke Hoor by ;tli<-ui[»tiiij; to clect lniu to tlie v icaiit t ii) tlie Advison Cooneil. Kven tiiere Mi. Thurston ni«-t lns W«terloo. Tbegroat and j».K>d |»atri<>t »oiildu’t or couidii t g:ve u)• hi» s«lary to serve his c« ūiitr\. The “siucere," “iutell’I>«*nt, “lioi»est aiul uuseltish st wlio a( oiim tune publie \ d« ei <r.-<i tli it he never (h«r<ll\ ever) would take uffice 111 h:stnow in l»eii;p fed at public eXjiei.se. Tl>e (’onneil.H couldu’t *jee it thoug!i ’l'he iuemhers kicked au<! bcld llu<t f Tfuirston wanted iiis H,t!-irv !<•> eoiihln’l have tlie j R»*a f . Jf he wanfed tiie seat let , him pive up tlie s «lary. Th< alway s H»«rvile frieml of 1 Tiuiisf>ui, the learned Attoruey (i.«neral objeeted. Iii iii.s wliiu- j ing alth<>iigh heavy voioe he i ealleil tli<- iiit”iition of the wise meu t tlie fnet tuat Tharston i ba«l noi ih’i.ii a Hmmeial sr.ccess | dunng the last ye*r. “Billy’s” j words foll on t!ie floor wit!i n j deep, soleiun tlind, but somehow the Cuunoillors were umuoved 1 Several elaiuieii tliat 0k>/ hadn’t 1» «'ii great niianeial snece8sea i sine«» they, in < woak niomenl, i j>»ine.il t!i« p. g. but still the taspayers did not pav (hnn anvtbing for their servic»»s lu spite of j Sniith's j>n>test,itioii8. in sj>ite of ! the alleg> i popalurity of Mr. i Thurst> >n, in sj»ito <>f t!ie vast I e\j e»iditnre «>f s< ft soap, gas aiul otli<’i iii i ic*m”iits. the littlo tin > Jesns of tho j» g. was floored : ouee more aml .1. A. McCandIeas w«-nt in with flylng colors. M'e : e.nuiol lielji H«lmiriiig t!ie CouneiIs f«>r tlieir mnnlv and extreme Iv jiroj»« i action. If the inemhem ar»> e nsistent lbey wil! discon j tmue t!ie s .larv <>f Tuurston. in • case he should j>refer to loaf j aiouiul ou a h<>ney moon trip in ' Hawaii instea<l of attending to i his dut ies in W ishiogton. Clias. ■ L Carter got n surj>rise and so did the Tlinrston olique, but the J eonnln' 1«> »ks with w little more confi lenre attl>e Convention than • t «lid previonsly to tliis uttor j def» at « f Lorrin Andrews Thurs- | ton. .' —