Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — Doctor M. Makalua. [ARTICLE]

Doctor M. Makalua.

In a lit of whut the Atlvertiser tpniiH generositv. tlie comicils i yestenlay vote<l tlie sum of $400 for the retorn passage of Dr. i Mukalna. lt is not at all clear tliat the otf r of this paltry j pittance towards his expensesoat i will imlneo Doetor M.ikalna to j qnit a conntry aml people \vhere I tlie sbade of a m>n’s skin is no i more sociul b rrier than the color ' of his h<ir or eyes. The A<lver(iner is geuerous in snggesting a second-class passage for the "kanaka” in preference to a sfeerage one, but how about his wife; daiigliter of a Oolonel of the British A rmy aml the : r children. Doctor Mikalna has attained j high distinction in his professiun I and moves iu the best society, i aml is posst ssod of ioeans sutli ■ cient to eome ont and returu. ; For the peaee of miud of himself : and \vife we wouhl advise him to remaiu in Englnud; bnt memorv <lwells fondly ovor ones birth- : plaeo, nnd his coaatrymen \vaat 1 him among them; Mr. Damou, j nlso, who at the risk of oflēnding the crowd <>f medicos who eo istitute about a tenth < f the foreign populatiou is resolved to tempt ! Dr. Mikalua to eome. Tlie A'lver(t*er never mised a , howl over the exj*enses —wuieh ran int<» thonsands—iuoarred in briuging l>r. Arning. Lntz and others oat here, and in the case <>f these two gentlemen n«med. |, the c«nses whieh led to their | departure were eminentlv dis- j ; creditabie to the A<hertimr '■ \ party, and injarious to the credit . of the couutry. I,