Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

T H E DED, Anheuser-I3usch Brewing Co. Wui the JL- > rize at the AVorkrS w ‘th their Jih\GrLj K J3raiid T3eer. St. Louis Ocr. ‘28, 1893. Messrs. Maokaklane <k Co., L'u . Houololu, H. I. De<ir Sir*: —We have yon n c«»|»y of t!ie G(obe-Democra* annouuoing t<i • , f re it vict >*•/ wm !•% AXHfXSEK -Bcsa As30CIATIOX with tii«-ir ‘EAOLE ’ I»rautl of deor. [Siguea] ANHELSER-BL T SH BEW1XG ASS0C1ATI0N. 4 5fe U\aK % K * e 3 01 i{ »• a: V r - 9. * A'' M 3*« r * onlering tbis Beei besurctoask for tbe “EAOLE'* Brand jVIacfarlane & Co., Mur. 11- 2iud. Ayentt/or Huuaiian Inlaiuia. oumvA_Y & pouīeu. Rohinsou liloek, Hoiel St., heiween Fort and Xnuanu, Have Just Rcceiv«d, ] er Iete Arrivals, ll e J f.ipcst Stcck of FCR N1TURE Ever Im] Orted to t!iis Country, Comprising 1 Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solid Oitlc, aniof the LATESTDESIGNS. I I ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS C.\LLED TO THESE SETS: WIOKEH. WARE, Beaut’ful Des gns of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, etc.,vou ean get tbese in onv FINISH you tlesire. CHAIR8 f Countless numbers of CHAIRS, in everv stvle, includiug OFFICE and HIGH CHA'IRS. E22::i:B:XTSXOXT TABLES, We bave had a nuraber of calls for tbese T..bles, with CHAIRS fc> niatch. We bave now iu stock the most BEAUT1FUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiflfoniers JFDIVANS.^ D vans covere«l with PORTIERS are Wcoming quite tbe rage in plaee of LOL NGES —w« manafacture tiie'.n to order, and bave a laige stock of PORTIERS to seLct from. BEDDiira Gr©it Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, W«hjI and Straw Mattresses ou hand and mad« to order L1VE GEESK F£ATHERS *nd SILK FLOSS for Pdlo»R CRIBS, CRADLES, etc. W1ND0W SHADES bf all colors and siz-s. CORNlCE POLES, in wo<xi or brass trimmings. BBPAIBI1TG-. Mattresses, Loungea aud all Upholstered Furniture repaired a * re*sonable rxtes. |CABINET MAKING, iu all its braocbes, by Compeaenl Worktnen MATTING L-ViD and Iut rior Decor-.tirg under the Supervisīon o |Mr. OEOKOE ORDWAT. Our Goods are F rst Cl iss, and our prices are the lowest Comc • ‘ and be c >nvinced—a trial is sulicited. .« Bell 52i. T£L£FHOXB9; Mutuai 64ō. ■ Om>WAY 4 PORTER. Uohiaaoa Block, bet«aau Furt aad Nuoanu