Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

i The who catches « j>erioas eye asa»liy wins a castoiuer. Many dit!er«nt styles of advertis>ng have been adopted and witb more or less saccess. by ‘ the be!ieTers iu the use of prin-1 ters ink. The manufacturers of Pears Soap. for iusbance. occasior »lly buy paictings th»t b«ve been on eshibition iji the P»ri’s SaIon and have !ithogr«phs ui.ule from them for the parpose of briaging tueir pro<luot before the peopie. la additioa to sach sule issues, Pearsj\ends huudreds thoas.mds of doIIais «nnuailv araong the newspapers »nd magxZiiies. S»nu-< year- ago the .tgents of cert.»in ar:icle on sale īu New iork ma.’e a hii iu advertīsing by baving ou Broadway »luring bus-; iness hours two fatlaessly dressed Negroes wearing very highcollars, on the backs of whieh w.is printed ‘*Use Smiths Pills.” The idea was novel and the pahiie <‘aught oa. Rising Sun Stove Polisu has been kept beforo the \ public £or years through porsis- 1 tent, and sometiines expensivej advertisiug. Tweuty o»ld years ago the manufacturers of this ; polisb started half a dozen men acruss tne orui;iieut to p.uut sigus on rocks aud' fencos. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales more than five hundred per cent in two years by tho use of printers ink. We belteve we have beeu instrumeotai iu iucreasing tlie sales of tbe Aemotpr by keepiugovorlastingly at it iu ilawaii. We do not wish to say that advertisiug will sell any manufactured artiole;. there is uo use sjieudiug money in advertising “eheap and nasty” goo\ls becanse the people will not be hoodwinked. I£ Hu\ iland Ohina \vas uot the superior article git is, all our advertising of it \vould not buve so!d tlie thousands of K pieces ! that we have. We siraply ealll tiie attention of the people toitj and its superior qualitv is apj>arent to the castomer directly a pioee of it is exarnined. Priuters iuk has helped the sale of the Jaraes Locked Tence but it wo ild not h »ve doues so if it had been as flimsy as tho or dinuy wire , feuce. First; the economy tbere is in baildiug it recommends : it to tbe plautation manager and tben its durability cliuches the i the salo If the stays aud washers cost as mueh as an ordinary redwood post our sales of the •naterial would not have reachod such euormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is about two a day the year round. If was not the best iron stove ou the market we . would not sell th.it mauv m six montbs. Advertising is tbe tip ti tbe publ:c the good points iu j tbearticle seils it just as the gooi! i qualities of the Fiscber Stee ! Kange wake it a desirable article , ' f<>i peopie who wish toecuuomise j in the nse of fuel. We buy only what hi»s proven I good after peopl« in the Uuited States or Euroj.»e have given it a trial; we profit by taeir experince if the articles are goood we bu\ J and sell tbem; if they are pooi i we steer clear of them. When we 3-!vertise au article it is to atI tract attention to it; the newsi paper ; s the buttou we posb, the salesmau does tbe rest Persistent advertising coupled 1 with the miiiele being a saperior ! one has sold thousands of the 1 Frani Walcot Emory File. If it ! kad beea no better ti.an an or- ! diuary scytha stone we probakly j would not have sold twenty. i : When a man finds out that bis table knives may be keptsh<rp at all Umea at an expense of fifty oents : nd a rery litUe elbo« | greaae he ia qnite wiliing to try tb« expemnent ; Tle Hinili HahHK Ca.» ■ 307 Fort 8M ‘