Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — THE CONVENTION. [ARTICLE]


AV ise \Ien Meet !theik DOL\’GS. I — I Mond.iT, Jooe 4. | j AFTEB\005 <rSSIOX. I Tbe convention iaet at 1:30 n. I 1 , m. Article 5 re! ;ting to t le Writ of Habe.is C’< rpns. T *e ; Miiele pa.«v«e<l after a <lebate o\tr «he term to be usc l for Cabir,t-t ; offieers. Several deleg.»tes ftr- [ ored calling them =een-t;iri's. b t fiaaUv the o!d teroi *‘Mioister’ was retained. ArticSe ♦» relating to I*igbis of Trial. Vitb severai «mtniimecls tbe article p ssed. , Article 7. iel«firg to previo.is ; c<'nvicti"n or ncqGittil. An i.t1 t«-mpt was made to vr>t tbe riglt ‘ of apj>eal in ei imina! cases in l ie goverament.Rp-; Carter an<l Sroitb ! favnred an ainendioeot t »tbit etlect. Brown aod D.unon vigcionsly opposed tbe motion, and tbe amendment was lost W iti a sligbt amendment bv Brnwn t-»e article passe<l. Article 8 Privilege of accuscd. After sul;stit’.iting a wonl for auotber the article was passed Article 9. Slavery. Passe‘ J Article 10. Secuiity fr« m ( * 1 search and arrest. I ass<‘d Artic!e 11. F»rel iting to taxing and appropriating power. Pass d Art ele 1‘2. Eminent D uuaiu. j ’ fte.r a lengtl»y debate, Mmister Damon moved tb «t whenlhe c«*n- : vention rise it recommeuds ref« renee of the article to a eommiHee. Carried, und sent t<» tbe Juilieian cominittee Article 13. MiUtary subjectto law'. Passed. Article 14. Name of gover.iment. Witb a sliget ameudmeat the article passed. Article 15. Territory. Passei. Article 10. £nsign. I’assed. Articie 17. Citizen. A lively debate tollowe«l tlie re.-t«liiig of tbis artide, bection l wus j»a»sed as iu tlie dr»«ft, tlie followii;g sectious were referred to aspecial committee. At 4 15 tlie couveutien odjonrned uutil Tu‘sday. Tuesd iy, Jone 5. MOHNINO 8E83ION. The convention met puiauiui to adjournment ut 9:30 a. m. Presitlent Dole in tbe elia r. The ehaplain offered prayer. Tbe roll enll found seveial members abseul. the gr« j ater j»s.rt of »bom tntered shortly «ftcrward. Tbe Secretary Dr. 11 >dgt-rs read the uiinutes of tue l..st meetiug whieli were approved. The Att >rney Genera> r >se to a poiut of privile«lge to j»oi ;t out an error iu bi< remarks in tbe dcbate tu : Aft. 3. as reporte«l in tiie 3HUA (whieh we will noliee t morrow.) C>u motion of Rep. Brown t!ie ; rej»ort of Uie committe on ruDs was takou np ao«l tbe propost «1 j rules \vere read by tbe Secreta.*y | Seriatim. Tbe rnles np to ‘i3 were sigre«:d to as printetl, and rule ‘24 w\a ameniei to read “A ra.ijority of : tlie whole nnmber of delegtt>s aml members of tbe Coantil 1 sbull be necesstry to pass ar.y 1 article ut tbe du.il reading of tiie const tution.” i Rnle 28 was alteretl to re> <1 ; “tb;it every eommiUoe that sha!l bave business referre«l to it sbail i m ke a report in writiug of its doing wiUiin 3 days. Rule 32 w.is amen«led to speci—fy that the namber of eacb staniing cotnmitteō shaU be five. Tbe rules as amendcd were : vot«?d on and adopted.j R-*p. Kalua asked to he excns< d ! f;o u attenJence f *r tiie bal!an«e ’ of tbe week. whieh after explan.i tion was granted. Rep. Kahanlelio moved tbat . in futore the reading of tbe mie- ) utes in Hawaii&n be dispenst;d witb, whieh was C irried by a v«»le of tbe native mcmber- whieh Kep. i AHen rooved shonld i!ecide it. The Convention th’n went inio Consideratiun « f Art. 13, Natural- • ization. Rej>?Brown beld that tbe district jodges on the otber uisto«;s sbould be empowered to act Bep. Hatcb held tbat tbe matUr sboold b« of sa£Ecieol impor-

: tance to briug an applica»t to ; Honoiol i. On qk tion of Rep. Batdwm tbe sectioo paase*l as printed. eonfining t.ie grantīng of Q-ttarali- ; z*tion tc Jnstices of tbe Sapreme Coort. Rep. Brown moved thst the sii sobd.visions of Section3 Art18. be e >QsiJere*i sep*rately. Tbe .tttorney-Gener!il moved tbat the Hoose resolve itself iut> , eommill *e of tbe whole, whicb was catri<d. and Rep. īlder was callud t<* tbe cbair. Subse -tion 1. termsof resiūence gave nse to considerable debate, Rep. Allen move\l th <t the term l»e aitertd fr -ni one year priuted to taree. He held tbat oae ye< r was to> sbort for a }>erson i<> bave a proj>er kuow - Udge of loeal ariairs. Rrp. Kahan elio moved thst it be alten<l to five years a-s in the L uīted Stat> s. Rep. Hobertson snjiported the clause as printed, admittiug a man to t itiz?nsbip d<>es n«t gtve liim a vote. That was dealt witb in ,motbe r clause. Oumctionof R«p. Brown tbe committoe took recess t-> 1:30.