Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Edward C. Damon Expires [ARTICLE]

Edward C. Damon Expires

E. C. Damon a vell knovn and bighly respe;t«d citizen died y««terday afternoon. He bad for sereral yeirs been saSering from ccnsornp‘ion and bad bome bie trying iilots vitk gre«t fortitnde and tme rhristian patienee Mr. Damoo vas a yonnger son of tbe lamented S. C. Damon vho for years vas Seamen’s Ohaplain in Uonolnlo. For many yeaas he vorketl for J. X. Waterhoase in the stcre on Qneen stre*-t. and Le alvays proved himseif an efficient and fcithfal servant He nerer took any part in publ:c life, bnt lived a cortended and retired life ami'iig im wife and bis five children wbo sadly wiil miss a devoted basband and father. The decease<l was a brotber to Minister S. M. Damon and also to tbe Reverer.d Frank Damon. He was only years at tbe tiooe of his death. The funeral takes plaee tbis afte: noon frora bis late residence on Feretauia street