Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Hawaii and the Senate. [ARTICLE]

Hawaii and the Senate.

\\ :ishingt<*n. M.tv *23. —Kyle introditeed a resalntiou calling for non- intervent:on in Hawaiiau afl'airs, whieh went over until tomorrow. W:tshingtou. M:iy ‘2i —At the openii»goi the s«-ssionof tho Sen ate tt‘tl i v Mr Kyle urged the p«ss ig» of his resi»lntion, arguing that it w s j;ot the purpoee <>f the l nit»*(l S{,-(t**s to use force to I restor« Liliuoiealnni as Queen of the Haw-iiian is)ands aud that nny l<>reign inlerf» renco with those islands would be rt'garded as an act of h»'stibty to the l'nit- j ed Statos Mr. Hanol < 1>) of Virgini« obi»‘ct«‘»l to aelion »>n the resolution until the resolution on the saine snbject re|»orti »1 by the Foreigo Afl'»irs Conuuittee had firsl been act«d opon. M r.Fn e f li. I of Mmne advocated the passnge of *his or a similnr rasolution. saying that ho ha»l iufotmation from respobs:bie |»ers«‘i»s that tho i> oment the Senate acte<l the Que«-n wo 1»1 resign all pretense t«» Ihe thr»>i)eaud aecept h money eon»pensati<»n lheref«»r. ; This lH>ing tl e coudition of the isbmds, m the uaiue of hnmanity ho appi»aled t > the S«>nate to pass Ihe resolution. At this jwint the , hour «»f 10:30 o’eloek arrtved and the rt*solutioD w> ut over nu«l tho . taritT bill w«s takeu up. M «shington. May 2t». — Senator | Kyle’s Hawaiian resointioa was cons dered f«»r h«lf «n liour in | tha Senate ttsl«y. aud be asked for • voto. Gray nioved to substitute the resolution reported j from tbe Coniuiittee on Foieigu llelations. The d scussion eon- f _ i tiDoed uutil the hour for consid- . eration of tbe Ur.fl biil «irived. l