Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Who Owns the Idols ? [ARTICLE]

Who Owns the Idols ?

Tlie cout 'ntion of tlie A<lver li*sr that the Iilols fonnd on Necker isl md are government j>mperty, s simp1y ridiculous. As well eiai n that if Capt. Free- ( man foand i j lek knifo or s:tlvation the Rovernment would be entitled to < wnership. But if the Advertixer 1 nd c<»nteuded that tbe {▼overnment *houlU oien the idols, no one eou .1 tako issue. Snch relics nre links to a vanished past, a scul itured history of long ago. nnd aio vaU»able. Here we have a hisb rical societv and are allowing di ta to escape. We say this adviselly for these relics, unless pur 'hased at hoiue will surelv find their way to the Smithsouian ins itute. or some other institution »broad whieh always pavs fabnlo is prices for siich articles. Iti»the height of folly to nllow su«*h mt'ineutos to leave the islands, simply because they cost something. If we have mn- : senms they ire not to be fi!led | free of cost Let the owners of thcse idols be hnnted np and treated witl for their purchase.