Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 131, 5 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

IxwaKapo JS, May 28— The meilal prest uteti bv the Frencb i Goveruraent bearinR tbe insignia i of the Legio i of Bonor has be«n j presented tt Jeaoie Creek. • lit- i tle ten-year old girl of Alford. - Blackford oonty. for saving a trainload of \Vorld's Fair p«ssengers on the Panbandle Railroad ; Ust snmmer A numberof Frencb i pass«i*gers sere aboahi the tr»in. Tbey ealled tbe attention of tbe World's ]'air Comtuissiooer to tbe ine deot, and he in tnrn | laid it beforo Preaident Caruot. who at onee onlcred a medal of tbe Legion ot Honor. «bich is giveu only iu recognition of act» beroism.