Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES. I - ' ■ — '■ I Rigj?er, Stevedoit» axd W recke:^. t-TIXATES IXD COXT {ACTS oX - ALL KI>DO OF V.OBK Tbe Schoooner MAIIIMAHI. »■.11 ron r«tpUrir fa»t-»ces tkis t»;rt and Waūio». Ka»!uh.*pni. Moku eia. Kea»enai «nd (aiki n tbe uland of C &hu. For Fieight, etc , «ppiy to tlw C«puin. Inqu;re at Offic a of J. S. Walker, over Spreckels’ l>ank. or Wrigbt Bro* Fort .?treet,i ■iee lR-rf Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bnt!ung Resort has been enlargeJ and is now open to tue pnblic, It is the | best plaee on the islauds to enjoy : a bath aud there i.- n> better plaee to lay od. Speoiat aeeomm<x!atious for Ladies. Tramcars | pass the door every L iif hour and ! on Saturdays aod Saudays every 4 fifteen minntes. I C. J. SH£RV/OOD Proprietor OAIMPPOĪi J Hotel strcet (Arlington BIock.) The ahore Store h«s re.tived anolhei Splendid Iuvoice of flAPAMESE Fanca' Goods, Pcr S. S. “Ch,’.na.” —eOMPKiaiNO — BEAUT1FUL SILK |AMD CRAPE, Dre«s Oood« in «II shade, pl un and fi(jnred. Cushion>, Tahie C«vers, BedCovers, Go»us Ch .-uiises, Shawls. S3k Crape Kaiiilow Silks, All Colors Fancy Dr ipeiiea, ESBROIDEEED HANDKEECHIEFS Doillies, Soarfs, Sashes. J«ckets, C«i*. Ete., Etc. NOVELTJES: Tbe Pricvs of these w 11 inclmding ELEGANT SILK XtM0N0SI H«ndsome Cigarett« C««*, Pin Cus iions, Silk l'ea Ooaaiea, URUE 1XD SX1LL JH1XESE RU«S Sitk Umbrel)as, Iight bi t strong; Cbaii t»addi«s, Silk; Banboo Bl>nds. fitted ■» ;!h pnlleys; Si)k Lamp Sha>lcs, Drw »tyle, JArAXK$K SCKEK.>S lro» »3 C». V L1R(*E J1PIXESS UIBRELL1S C»n Set vnth Poh In th« ground, mēe for Pienio or Lnnehe t out of doors. Shey ean be opeaed oat or aseJ «s a tenU COTT()N CRAPES 1N GREAT VA-l*ETY t3rin»peotion I J. P. P. COLIACO, Froprietress. A prI3-3iu« Dr. Ed. Armitage, UC.S. [Rag.J L. B. C- P. ILamL] D. P. H. fCuiTerwiy ot Caxa )farid«l Ut* of IsU«d of Kmu. 118 KSTABLXSHED HIMSELF IX TII1 I oOoe fc>n»efty ocenp*ed by Dr. F«ot« «* Bri»to*kia *ad Pur:Ūo»l 8tn»u. — OFFlCE t*olJa.tt.;2fc>4p.a.;:i &