Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — A Proper Action. [ARTICLE]

A Proper Action.

The town was somewhat snrprised a fow days ago whon a verdict was f<>und in the FosterHayward slai der case in favor of tbe defendant. Mr. and Miss i Foster h»d both heen known i most favorably iu this coromunity aud the verdi:t of the jury in the tirst momeui seemod to cast reHections of at unpSeasmt natur« ou tbe persom in questiou. The jury whieh fo ind iu lavor of Captain Hayard r *alized the awkward position in wl ieh they hnd placed botb th< Foste s and themselves,in and tbey ther‘fore addtessed the followitig Iett t to Judge Whitiug. whieh e >rrects any wrong v»ew whieli m iy have beeo created; Mr E. F. B shop as foreman of the jurv write i on behalf on himself aud eoile» gues: “The uode -signed, cnmposing tbe jury that remlered a verdict ! for d(feudent n t<e amtof Ralpfa R. Foster vs. <'apUin H. M.Hay- ! ward on the id iast, deeni it • ra»tter of just ee tbat we now make to you ti e foUowipg statemeot: Tb« snit wa»- an aeiion for defamaiion of eh iracter, based on tbe charge that C«ptain Hnyward bad roade sti temeots redecting on the charac er of Mtss Foster, | tbe pUīotitf s idopted daoghter/ and ber retati(. os with tbe plainj tifl. Tbe iun foood that the ■ defendent uid iot make tbe defamatury state uente. That waa ; the only qoest on before ng. «nd we thought v» bad no rigbt to «dd anything t !«e to the verdict But we desire :o bereby express our uuanimon» opiniou that «b soluteiy notbiig appeared at tbe tr:al to show tl at there ia or haa been anvthing irroug in tb« reU iiona between the platntdf «nd hi» «dopted da >ghter; onlheeontrary, Ute qnes ioa waa aok raisedatall,aa b< th CapUin Hayward «nd hia iouaSel expreaaly «Uted thai ihee raisod no qnaatton aa to the good charaotaroi