Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[Wt »0» bold oaTsrire* rc#poMbl« ior Im o|nwa» or the «HenuM 0 f «m eonwyoodeat».] Editok Holo*ta: Will yoa oblige some of yonr anxions country rea<iers by en!ightening as on some vexed points, a» we are not in toncb ! with tbe cspital and cannot nnderdand all thr»t is going on. What mad lnnatic wrote tbe new p. g constitntioo. and why don't yon people of Honolnln loek him np in the lnsane Asylum wber»v ke ean do no more hann’ Since the royalists ontnnu>ber the fi!ibnstering p. g. g;»ng 100 to 1, are tbe Hawaiiansand royaIists of Houolnln sacb cravens as to snbrait withont protest or res>stance to s«ch an infernal tyranny as the p. g. coustituiion contemplat»?s infi:ctingon Hawaii? Call on the rnral distriets, we «re ull alofui nina, loyal to tl»e ecre. and figbtiug mad. Wl»y is tl»e Patriotic Leagne so 1 ailenl’ lb.*r Majesty tbe Queen and tbe officers of tbe league sent ont au mjunction to tbe people all over the islands to keep the peaee, pending an answer to our appeal whieh was iu abitraticn b«?ore tbe government of tbe United States. That we must trust to American honor to undo the poliiieal crime of Stevens and j restore the constituti<>nal govern- > raent whieh be subverted. Is it not bigb tirae kbis iujuuction was , j removed? * Is it not now araply evident that Araerican bonor is a doubtful quantity? Do not the dishonest attitudo of the Ameri- , ean press, aud the condoct of the United States Senate indicate a plot to crnelly deceivo the Hawaiian people, aud sell tbem out to tboir tyrannical usurpers.D;d not Min : ster Willis show a distiuct partiality to the p. g.. when he taraely left witb thera a inikl suggestion to give up the gnvernmeut, whieh they were to auswer at their leisnre, while the Queeu was compelled to givo im- * raediate answer to a serions I questiou, and though her answer : w«s polilie enough since it w«s not in her prower under t!iecons , titutioueitbertoorderortorevoke j : punisiiraent, and thongh our *aws do uot provide for “beheading” ‘ she was cruelly misrepresente»l abro«d tlirough Minister Willis’ despatcb and Cleveland's honorable jx>licy checked thereby? Does the gossip of the cap7tal vve any elue as to wbether tbe ; United States representative stiii j beltrsves tbat the great p. g. men , represent tbe “best iutelligence” ! of the islands, andthattbe royalists are not to be intrusted with | tbe welfare of tbe country as he iutimated iu one of bis publisbed despatches? Has he not yet dis- | covered that the royalist raajority iuclnde some of the leading naraes i n of tbe country, the peers in weulth and iuteiligcnce, and of i bigher runk in experience, abikty nnd iiberal ideas who enjoy tbe coufi«lence of the people at l«rge 7 And wbat has heeome of the mueh vaunted Amenean principles of liberty, freed >m and the rights of an enlightened people? 1 Are thev on!y u mythicul rom »nce j made fur spread-eagle foartb-of Jnly orators? Elso why do we see a euhal controlled by usnrp- j ing Americans and conntenanced 1 by tbe diplomatic and navul iepresentatives of tbe United Stutes sitting in aolemn concIave for tbe avowed pnrpose of qaencb- j ing the rights and liberties and freedom of the citizen of Hawaii, | and uttempting to erect on tbem ' the strange an«rcby of a despotic and tyrannical repnblic? Tbere is loU more that I woald like to ask, but tbis will do for this time. Yoors, CorvrBT Distbict. fWe dare nok answer onr correspondent, question for fear of the Sedikion laws whieh Wilii»’ I “beek intfcll5gen<M»'’ have import : I«4 from Bassia or Tartary. How- ‘ ever if Couniry Di*rict wili! * io<B»»re of the mynah b»rds that , raay visit hi» section from Hono- j | lolo, they wili probab’y kell him ■ tb«t tbere is rotten eamon in the 1 oapikal city, and tbat oj}less it is ■oon deodor>aed witb tinotare of le»d or Clerd«Dd powden. Hswali wiil belostforever to healUi, peaee sod happiMM. Ex>.J