Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — A WORD IN SEASON. [ARTICLE]


Read and Reflect. | i _________ [Bt TexHs*C»p* I.] 1» the ousting of u Queen, the | election of a Preskleat, aml tbe I i hurry and sknrry for oltice, there | hae been one uiHtter quite forgot|.teir Tht*t is. what is to heeoiue ! 6f the workiiipiuan? He, poor i Di vd. is left ontire‘y in the i aiiil ont of the question ’ In ti»e dnys »»f the monarchy tlie . lin»l ot> t*nll aideration, «s he tben liv«*d in i the laml of p!enty—•|>leutv of ■ f iod. ph uty of wurk. »md plenty | of iuonev. Under tbe so-calied repub!ic he has neiUiei', aml i.s starving, as a baker told uie the d;*y while wi>rkingmen are beg giug for bread! Now .is this state | of atfairs was bn»ught abont by |the parly iu power tt behooves j thera to fiml a femedy. 1 am | not pleading for the native—the in ttioii evmoed bv hina in allow- , ing his g*M*tIe ami aceomplistied Queen to bo deposed, iiisalted i Hiul revi!ed. his liberty to bo forfeited, aml his countrv to u»*,ss in •) the han.ls of aliens, fostered and made wealtby by hiui. while he iay dowu and strumnu<d the guit»r and never iuade a uove u wiihoui a paral{el ; in history, and holda him up to onivers» l conterapt. I want to know what eff.irt thegoveinraent, ; who *»ra promulgating i<iws for a . couutry on tbe verge ul bank- ' r«ptcy. will make kT restore trade aod give empioyraent to I tbe Ameiiean, the (iermau, tbe j Britisbrr, tbe Portugue»«. an*} 1 otber Forof>eaus, who will soou ’< heeome ileapamle: Hinee I bave I been ir Hawaii, i have lent a be!ping band. but my I rae .ns are, at prdseut, luu.t«-d and I c..n do no more. 2fow wbat j wiil the goveru:aeut and others do? L’nder tbe presant ccvern- . meni tn*de ean never be resk‘red, l for tbe credit of Hawaii has | passed avay. we.»lthy residents are leaving the isUnds. good < propērty is seīling for a soug, I rooroing-hposes s*>d other resi- * denee« ;<re for sale and to let, { bns : .ness gets wor»e and worse and «ev tigbter and tigbter. , Ti*isstaie ot tbmga is weil-known in the monei and eonmiemui centers oi Euroj>e. while the : con»tii<:tioR of ibe ilepahlio of Hawaii form« ?ha scbjeet matter !or laughtēr m eveiy newspaper in tbe l u*ted of America. I I wooi l soggest. therefore. tbat i «11 vfait« men. who wish to leave tfae eountry, efauaid hare |faeir

I fares paid by th« governmeot. | and safficient money allowed eaeh iodiridaal to leav« respect- . ably— s*y fifty do!lars. Tbis | : money cocld be provided by redncing the annecess.trily Urge | army statf. the dismissal tnd sending away of nine-teoths of the troops (wbo wonki be only t« o g!*d to go>, and » redoction ;of one-fc»if the s«Uries of tbe altogether too bighly psid mem1 bers of the governracnt of sach a wretchedlv jjcn<r coantrv as Hawaii will heeome. Sure Mr Dole ioi whom everyone sj>eaks w:th sach markcd symj>atby aad resf>ect) woold be Ihe first to give half, probab!y the whole of his salary for oue ve-<r. aīming as be do©s to tresd in the footsteps of th«»so simj>le-miQded beioes who battled for the iudependence of Ameiiea an<l rece»ved )itt e or no pty for their lavi<ih expei««itare of iutellect anJ I»I(mhI But j>erbape so Uige a snra hs twelve tbo«sand dolUrs oat of au office, tena of ninetfc-six thonsand doll;trs won»d be too mueh to acoej>t from the j>riv«te }>nrse of *ny one gentie»uan, h<*wever g-ner-ous bis beart might lead him to be. Then the mission;tries. those Jisc5j>les of Chr»st, who. following the teaching of tiie Great M:ister, have evcr beeu the first to help in any and evcry good c:tuse. won!d do all that in them < l»y. These godlv men, sacrifici ing theinselves for the good of others, know full well thut the i exvklus of the whites (m*ny of whom are irrelig oas and Jesperate cbaracters) woa!d lenve tbe native frce to be taught how to i bear the r»")d whieh loveth as it j chitsteuetb. If the employed i workingmeu were sent out of the rcountry there is bnt little doabt, , but thut tlie new Kepuhlie of Hawnii woakl hee -rae au estab- | I lishod fact, witbont lent or biad- . erance, aud that tbe gcntlemeu now bokling offices woald do so for the term of tbeir natnrul i lives, and Imml thcm down as legacies to theii soas. I woukl J j ask the earnest consideration of ; the goverument, and those inter- j | ested. to this matter. It should Ibe remembered that many of these workiogmen eiime from the I Coast witb the idea that annexntion (tiie rag d«»ll thut be giive them t<> pl«y with, as a government membor obseyv*d) wonkl take |>iaoe, aud mamj other» are the cast ofTs of the government itself. !Shuuld nothing be done there is no koowing to wliat excesses men, who really do uot e »re oue iota for h Monarchy, ; Re|iubiic or the devil himself wi'l be driveu, when tbey tlieiuselves. their wives and lilile ones I are wauting bread. ? l.et tbis bo a word to tbo wise. “Bktjsed are j>eace-mnkers for they shall in- | |ierit the e;»rth.”