Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

The Advertiser »ho ealolie» » pcrsr*n3 eve osnnI'y win» a onstomer. M.mv differeat ?tyles ' ōS i»dveiiising have been aJopted ai»J vritb more or Iess soeoess. by siie b*dieTers ia tbe n-io of pr;n* f ers iok. The ni.inuf..icturvrs of Pears SvMj>. fur iustouce. occns:on j ;il!y bny paiutings th«t b.«ve been on exh>bit««>n ia the P.«ri’s SaIon aod have l«thograj>hs aaaJe frora tacm for the pnrpose «>f bring;ng lheir pr<vl ict bef.*re ! fhe people. Iu aJ.l:t;oD t > aoeh side issues, Pear s|«enJs hun«lreds thoue.inJs ef Jolfctrs »naau!!y ! iiraong tbe newspHpcrs and ui.«gnzmes. 8ome yenrs ago the ig>>«.ts Iof certiiu artic!e on sale in New York m.u'e a bit iu adrertisi:ig by baving oo L*ro.iJ»riv Juriug bnsiness hoars two fatluess!y drcss*Kl Xegroes\ve iringvory liighc »ll.\rs, on the b icks of whioh was jir nteJ “Use S’0iths Pi»N.” Tiie iJe» w;is novel nnd t!io j>nb!ic cduglit on. Eising Sun Stovo Pohsh has bee i koi>t b >foro t!«e public f.-r years t!iroug!i pers!stent, auJ sometiines exp.‘ii'ivo aJverlising. Twenty oil.l ye«rs ngo t!«e manofucturers of tliis po!ish starteJ l»alf n dozen »r. .*a acrossthe ornimeut to piini signs oa rocks and fencc<. T!io Aermotor Co., of Cliic.»go havo iuoreirscd its sales nmro tiiuu Ove hnndred j>er ceut in two ye.»rs by the u.se of pnuters iuk. We believe we h«ve been iustrnnient;»l in increasing tue s>les of the Aomotor by keepiugoverlustiugly nt it iu ilawaii. We Jo not wish to say th«t ajvertismg will so!l aay tuanuf.»ctnrc»l article; there is n > u-.e fpenJiug money in uJvertising "eheap unJ n.»sty” go h!s l»eeauae t!ie people wil! nol be hooJwinkeU. lf H.»vii.«uJ C iiu » waa not the superior article ,it is, <«!l our advertisirig of it wouU uut uave sol»l the thousauJsof pieees ; thut we have. JYe simj>ly eull the attentiou of the peopie to it unJ its superit»r qnality i» ;ipp.«rcut to the cu3tom-r direct!y a j ioeo of it is eiauiine»l. Frinters ink has hcIj>eJ tue s:i!o i { the J.»iues Loeke-l Feiico but it wo JJ rmt h »ve Jonos so if >t b;«d tsjen astiimsy as tlie »ir din»y w.re First; tbe ecun<miy tbere is in bdiUuig it recouimeuds it t»> tlie plautatioD manager aod then its durubiiity clinches the the salo lf tha stuys anJ washtrscost as maeh as an or.lio. ry re»lwu<id post our stles of tho :uaterial wonU nut bave reacheJ ooeh enormous projK>rt:ous. Our average sale of the Pansy 7ron Stovo is abont two a <fc»y Iho ;ear rounJ. If was not tbe >»est in>a stovo on the market wu «onU not seli th.it inany m *ix iUonths. AJvertising is the tip lo tbe publ:c the good j*oiats iu lhearticie sei!s it josl «s the good »jualitios of tbu Ftscber Steel lango mnke īt a »lesir«bte srticle • lnr j*u‘ ple who wisb to ccoaoru.se j ;u tho usu ol fdel. We buy only what bas» pr>ven j ;;oo»l after J>coplo in the Uuited Slates or Eur»»pe bare given it a 'nai; we profit by tueir uxperince { ihe articles are g««ood wu buy :»mfcsell the»a; if tUey uru j»>ur steur cluar of thaia. Wuea vu udrertise aa artic]a it i» tu »tract atteutiuo t.j it, the oc»vsiaper : s the bntto» v« j>ash, tue iaieam&u Joes the rest. Persisleut aJvertis;ng eonple»! witb the articl3 boicg a saj>ertor >ae has solJ thonsands of the Fran< W’aleol Emory File. lf it •iad been no better than an orl»nary scytta stone we probably w»nld not bavu solJ twenty. Wheu a man finda oot tb«»t Uis *ab!e knirc3 m«y be kej»tsh.rp at ill iitues ut &d exj*a<isu of fil!;y rents »uj a \ery littio tit>ow • jrease hu is qnilo williug lo txy experunent. - Tis HaiaLi Hafifar3 Ci’ 907 fottStsMl