Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JUST ARBIVEO, q q q BABY • CARRIAGES 0F ILL STYL£8, C\KPETS, L W IN TIIE.L.VTEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Ha.vd Sewixo Macuines, VVith the Improvemfnt»Tj3 •• • • PAHLOK Ors:aiis, Guitarc. And Other Maaienl Tnstrucu>nU. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALW1W.OTBilD, \nd :for sale nv ED. HOĪTSCHLiEGEB l C0. Kintt St.. oppo. Castle ,t Cooke’s DAX. LYOXSS □AHCiNQ cl/\sses ( Meet at Arion Hal! evorX TCESDAY aml FRIDAY EVEN - ISGS, at 7 o’eloek. Also, on every Satcbday AFTrP.NOOX. at 2 o’eloek. Taition, 25 Cents for eaeh Lesson, anti satisf«ction gaaranteed or no cbarges made. may 8-tf. Emepire Saloon, J.vM£S 0LDS, P*or»irrr>K: pine Wiiies, Liqucrs. Beer, alwas on hand, Corner Nao»na uid HotIe 3tneU. BeU TeJepbon« 2*1. Post Office Box 10T. Chas. T. Ouliek NOTARY PUBLIC For th« Island of Oahu, Agent to Take Acknowledgmenla to Labor Contracte. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolnlu, Oaha. Agent for the Haw’n Is!ands ot Pitt A Scott' s Freight and Parcoh» Expresa. Agent for the Borlington IUmte. Baal Estate Bnte ai6sBsnl Bell7Tel. 348, Mui TeU 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 M£BCHANT Honolnla, H. 1;