Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PACiFiC 8AL00N. Com«r KiD)( >ud Nuoinn MrwU. EDW. VVOLTEK.... M»n*ger. Tbe Fine»t >*Wcoon of UQUOKJs and I l'.EKK, «old anywbere in the tovn. Fir8t-cU*«> httendence. C>11 and jndge j for jronn«*lf. no 80-tf. The u Eagle House” Poi The Lease and fhe Good j Will of fhis Favorite Fa m ilj/ Hotel. TMEEE ARE FOUR I)ETA- | ( HEL) HIIK'I-ll t> the su tib!e f r(>r ; v.tc fnnilies. The mnin buildii g cont«ins 20 Ferl Rooins i-irg-" i)>iiiiig Rooin. ; P«rl*»r. etc Tbe {•.iriiit , !r>' is «11 e eg,mt and 'ii g.>od coodition The Gr»im<is «re beantifil!y l«id <> it in Tre»s. Fl<>«eis. FeruS, snd other P!«n!s. This business c m be br *nght al ia birg»in on e«sy tertns as l*> h«Vi ment. Apply to T. E- KRO"SE. Ar ington 11 < >tel office. iu«y 9-tf THE COMMERCIAL 3ALOON, Harry Klemme. Manager Cur. Nuuan» «fc Beret«nĪH sts. llonoiulu, H I. The OuIv S|i rt ng liou.se in T<>wn C>. 1 J , a Specialitv. LOHENGBIN LAGKB 'BEER, Always on Dnught. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. l>est of I Vines, Liquors, and Ci£ars, ALWAY8 ON HANl). jul tf NOTICE. At i» meeting of the stookb«*ld- j e -s..f tbe mOLOMUA PUBLISH ING CO. (LimitedJ held on tbo 2 >th inst . the following persons ; »ere duly elected officers for tbe e isuing year; Chas. B Wimos President < Fdmuxd Nokkie , Vice-Pre»ident i C . E 8mithies Secretary | C. E Smithies Treasorer : t. J. Testa Auditor BO.VRI> 0F XANAGEHS; 1 |C W. Ashfokd, A. P. Petebso\ and F. Harrisox. Ci. E. SMITHfK8, i Secretary. Anchor-:-Saioon| Ex “AUSTRALIA,” | Another Invoice of the Worid Renowned FREOERICKSBURG | LAGEfi BEER On draught and by the keg. AIso, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS, FO IX COCKTAJX»S -V**-