Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVTES, Rier{?er, Stevedoxx' ~W recker. ESTIUATES ANP COVTKACTS ON ALL KD»DS UF WOHK. Tbe Sch'x>oner MA7IIMAHI, «01 ran reguUHj bef««a ihis pr>rt »n« \Vaudja. KAWoihāp-.i. Mokuieim. Kc»»eoui snd Kmki -n the isUu 1 of Oahn For Fteight, etc , »(>plv to tLe Captain. I uquir« :it Offic • of J. S. \Valker. ov r Spnckel»' Ounk. ••r Wrigbt Broe F>»rt Str. et. l '' —' } Long I Branch |BATH I N G Establishment. This First-clHss Batbmg Besort h;)S been enlarged and is now open to the pnblic. It is the best p!ace on tUe i^lan' 1 -; to eujoy , a batb and tbere is no bettei I plaee to lay ot!. S(»ecial aeeom- : modations for Ladies. Tramcars pass tbe door every Laif bo ranJ 011 Saturdays aud Suudays ever> fifteen minutes. 0. J. SH£RW00D Proprietor -L' Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The aU»ve Store haa receivetl anotber Spleudid Iuvoice uf jl APANE5E jSlLK, ANCY jjOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —COMCRISISO — BEAUT1FUL SILK |/.ND CRAPE, Dr«w Goods in all slmfle, p'ain au<l figured. Coshions Tmble Covers, lied Cover.', (?owns, Cbemiaes, Shawls. Silli Cr p Hainliow Silk All Colors Fancy Dr.i(>erie!>, EIBBOIDEBED HANDrESCHlEFS Doilbes, Soarfs, Susbes, Jackets, Caj«, Ex. t Etc. NOVELTIES; Tbe rricesof tbese Gootls will aaloniah von, includmg ELEŪANT SiLK KIM0N08I Rmndsume Cigmrette Cf ses, Pin Casoions, Silk Taa OoamieK, LABttE A>D MXiLL Jil'15ESE BCttS Silk Umbrellas, Ilght b<:t strong; Chmir Saddles, Silk; Bamboo Blindm, iitied vith pnlleys; Silk Lmmp Sbmdes, aew style. JAPANESX SCREEM& PrammfS l p. *■ LtRttF J lPiSESE O BBELLiS Cmn be Set vntb Poh lo tbe groand, niee for Pieniea or Lniuiai oat of doors, tbey otn be opentd out or um*1 ms m tenU w CoTT(>N CRAPES Di GREAT VAĪUETY tyimpectwn Bespectfully Invited. MB8. J. P. P. C0LLAC0, lTopnetress. AprlS-3ois Dr. £d. Arnr.itage, H. B. C. S. 13n«.] L. R. C P. 1 Lonri.J DP. H. [Cniii««ty o t Cmn ',4«dgtl hūe oi Wiiun, laUnd u Kmnmi. HAS ESTABLI8HED BntSELF 1K THE olw Sormeriv oeeopie l by Dr. Foo*e. ot Bnetmiunmnd i'nijebbowi8tnr- — OFFICE H0L*jB5; — • l*)l mj».;Sto*pjn.;7toSpj». X S»MYI: )toipju T«i- SM ‘ KM