Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

If tlie A> *yWi.wr was sinceru iu tbe seutim. uts exprensed in its e iitorrtl th s uiorninj;, we s)ioald certain by tske aotiue of its eommeots on the uew oonstitution ami of thc .*onstitution itseif. As it is raust to belleve that tbe seiui-otHciv orgm is not in faror of po *al»r gover.iioent. or trying t» etfe t » eom -roraise. but is red-bot in lor gorerurae!it by tbe C’adles for tfae Castles, au 1 of tl e Ci*»tles. At t!»e same tia»* we m»y meution that this ps|>er h.ts oaiy favored a constitut onai gowrnment by tbe \ eople . nd bas never aJrosated tbe restt ration of the monar chy esce >t ts a fonn of governmeot dem vt ded by a majonitr of the (>eop‘e C >uvince us tbat tbe peop e vanta Republic. Con. vince us ih: t the masaea f»vor ihe proposc 1 coustitutioo. Coavince os t iat eitiztns of this eountry * »ut missioaaxy nile and we shall guarrntec thattbe Hawaiiana rili extend a haod of friends hip and vith the true spirit of lib *raiity and p«lriot8m submit to t ie will of tbe people, : tbe vitlof 'he majoritv. ’