Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Cr - pplk Cbeex (Ool.l May 29 — Ther« i« terror in the town cf Cripple Creek to-night, All lu s:naller U»wns of the diHtrict are iii iaehands cf the miners, ami nt bo*< * knows at wbat momenl tbey m»/ ome down and elean out Cripj la Creek» loot the stores and orr.er the people a«vay. CoLrs4Bi s (0.) May 29—Pftri: t j McBride, secretary of the Unit?-1 ! Mine Worker». AssociaUon, den ej the statement tbat tbere fca? be? 1 cr tfaat there ia a probabilry cf tfae jmmediate seUlement o' 1 1; i s:rike. Oxford Unirereity will <on*fi upon OapUin Fred E. M ifa« 1 , ■ commsnder of tfae United tt«le« 1 cruis«r Cbicigo, th« hōn"rarjf \ tiegree of D. C. L, H Vu»4, M»y 3*3— Prince Au|- ' B«tosof S*xe-0’barg Gotha ; married lfais morning to h scoair r tl»e Arcfaducbe«s Ciroline. l'u , * c#r»iDony waa p*rformed b;‘ tht . Arcbbishop of V;«ona. i ipen Francts Josepfa and ihe Aoatrai ’ c»urt were preeent- Prince Ai g1 uaioa ia the grandson uf ihe l»v 1 £aperor of Braxii.