Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — Shockingly Disgusted. [ARTICLE]

Shockingly Disgusted.

The penlknoau of tLe Star stnte* th*t his emj*loyeis are eHoekinph' <1 spu»ted WeanM? • “Theo H. Diru«, » promment aiui i«?r>istcnt Royalist w int«-<l 1 to repre S6 nt the H«w»ii*n Gov . eriiTu»-nt at t! e luter C< l*-nial Congrv'*> »t Ott*wa. \\ e Mi[iiione the Star mnn meann tb*•■ProviKionai’' govertnneiit of Hawaii; as ;«t }*re?sent «e are not aware of the existenCM oi h Hm waiian gov. rnn.eiit witbout this iiiterestmg |>r» fix. It I» a ferveis on of fact to stat tiu»t Ml. D;»iies bimself, nr hii\ one ir his hehaH. reqneste«l ; for him tbn ho ,orof representing ; the a(<Te»aiil goveroneut at Ihe Ottaw;t cooference. Tt e siiupie I facts aro. ilnr.ng Mr D*vie’e re- ; ceut visit hi-re, tlie Cfaainber of C«*moierce «1*mmism*i1 the probab!e heaitng of the coiuing InterC«ilonial Congress at Ottawa on Hawaii in interests, «n«l Mr. Davies was eni(i<<were«l by the Hawai uu eiiNOihei of C«mnuerce to n present that b< <ly A re«juest wi*h inmle t<> the governiuent by the firni <«f The«i. H Davi«‘s«tCo for such inforra tioo us it miglit see fit to iinpuii t ■ :i repres«ntatn n o( tne < iiainber of C<*mm**rce tonching tlie e-alile qnestion. The inforni.ition w.ts furniHli*.«l. aml ti<ej-e the nuitt r sh*>ul«1 have pnl*)iclv uu«l «*fticiallv ended. 'l he oeeuniou liowcver, aj peure«l to tlie scnbes «f the p. g. to ullonl n ehuuee to fire «*ff some of tlteir suwdnst powder aml Mr. H;*tch whs iii the pro :d p<>flition of beiug able to snub uu enemy. \Vhat a victory. It does not tuke a mun of Mr. Duvies’ keen perc©ption of tli«* fitiiess<*f things t<* know tlie »bsurd position in wliieli «n\ one |>resenting cre<U*utials fr<»ni a ■’ Provisionrtl” Governinent woulil stand <*n snch a representutive assembly us tiuit m«-eting at Ottawa —N<*r won!d Mr. Hatch and his “prorisi«>n*l” c«nfprrt-H care to have his re* pres**ntHtive catachised as to tho basis on whieh their pk*dge of ex|*enditure oo « c<ble or any other m«tter rest«*«l. Therefore uheu tiie iuorning au«l ovening <>rguns of the p. g. e\ult «<ver the immaginury circuuistaooe of Mr. 1 !•«'<>. H. D*vies «lesinng, aml, l*emg refused tho “hou<>r” of representing Mr. H.«tch ai.*l his “ provision.<l” bretbern ut Ot iawa. tlie puhlio know thut the i elusticity of the fugliucn is . straining sfter tlie usual erfect, ' «>nly to revenl the nakedness of the us8«*rtion. The .S v <ir ed.t'>r tr ive!sJout of j the iiHrro\v coafmes of the Davies — Hatcli ure*. as will be seen by 1 the following «rnamental ehip! frotn his editoriul slab: The time hus fortnnatelv passed when either tho |sili(u*al upiui«msor windy utt« r:«nces of snch meu as the e«litor qn«»te<l.orTheo H Da\ies. ur even those of Mr. Davies’ lieatenants, at preeen( sparring for «lr.uks und «lumnuing Amrricni:s and “ M issionaries'’ ■ on tho stieet coruets, eau have ■ either inHuenee on the pahlie mimi or etf«*ot ou the poiilieal future of Uawnii.

lt is of conise |>lt\tsing in this "pmiaion»!*' age to hare the Star editor assur« us that be, aml not the othor f« llow. has the grip i on the 4 ’public Equally ■ glad aie we to know th«t the Star iatelleot now retieots tho W. C. | T. l T lustre Hnd 110 Ionger **spars for driuka.” £qnal!y J«\vons is ■ the «ssnrMDce tbat tbe Star man has iakeu a respite from his 1890 pastime of "damning niissioo- , aries." and iucurring arrest and libel »uits.