Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

The AdTeitisei who c:itohes a persoas eye OSTUiUy wins a castoiuer. M.tnv dirfereut styles oC ailvert«sing have beea a»lopted aml »ith more orless snccess, l*y the believers in the nse of printens ink The m*nufactnrers cf Pears Soap. for instance oeoaaion al)v bny paintins;s that have beeu on exhibitiun in tbe P«ri‘s Salon aiul have lithograpb3 maile from tbem for the pnrpoae of bringing their pr:Hl ict bef.*re the peopie. In ail<.lition to snch side issnes, Pearsj>eruls huntlre».lsthous»nds of dul!ars annoa!ly among tbe ne\vspapers aud magazines. Some years ago the .tgents of oeiiain article on s;ile iu New York made a hit in advertssiug by haviug ou Droadway »luring bosiuess hours t\vo fatluessly drossed Negroes \vearing very high collars, ou the b.tcks of whieh \v.is priuted “Use Smiths P«lls.’' Tl«e idea was noveI «nd the puhlie caught on. Rising Sun Stove Poiish has Ueo.i kept before the public f<>r years through persisteut. and sortietimes expeusive advertising. Tweuty odd yeais ago the manofactarers o( this polish starttHl half a dozen uien acrossthe omi neul to paiut sigus ou rocks aud fences. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago bave iucreased its sales iuoro than tive hunclred per cent in t\vo years by tho use of priuters iuk. We beheve we have been iustruoiental iu increasing the sdes of the Aernotor by keepiugeverlasting!y at it in iiaw.iii. We elo not wrsh to sny that advertisiug will sell «ny manufactured artrole; thore is no uso spending rnoney in advertising •‘eheap ;»nd nasty” goods bocause the people will not be hood\vinked. If Haviiand China waa ■ not the superior article ,it is, all our advertising of it \vould not have sold the thousandsof pieeea that we have. AVe simply eall the attentiou of the peopie to it and its superiur quahty is upparent to tho customer directly a pieee of it is exatuined. Printers ink has helpeel the sale I of the James Loekeel Fence but it woald not have dones so if it bad j been as rfimsy as the or dinay wire ; fonce. First; the econoiny there is iu bui!diug it recommends it to the plautation manager anel then its durubility elinehea the the s:iie lf the stays und washers cost as maeh as an ordiunry re«lvood post onr s-iles of the material won!d not have reached snch euormous proportions. Our average sa!e of the Pansy j Iron Stove is about two u day the year round. lf was not the best irou stove on tbe market we would not seil that many m six montlis. Advert«siog is the tip j to tbe pahlie tbe good points io tbearticlc sells it just as the good qualities of the F«s.*her 8teel j Itange make it a ctesirable article for people who wisb to econoioi.se in the ose of fuel. "We buy ouly what bas proven goo»l after people in the United States or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their experiuce | if the articles are g<xw>d we bny and sell tbem; if tuey are poor we steer clear of them. When j we sdvertise ao article it is to at- ; tract attentiuD to it; the news- ! paper : s the bntton we pash, the ; salesaiao does the rest. Persisteut advertising conp!ed • with the art;cle being a sapenor one b*s sold tbOQsancU of the { Frans WaIcot Emory File. If it : had been no better than aa ordinary scytLa stone we probabiy woald not bave sold twenty. heu a man finds out tbat bis j t*ble knives may be keptshirp at 1 ail timea at an expsose of fifty eenU and a rory littie elbow gre isa he is qaito will ag lo iry iho expenmeut. Th Haiaia 3ariware ei’ 907 Foc4Stroo»