Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


PImer Wood is in lown. — Tbe conveotion U in se»sion j to-day. Tbe W. G. H*ll arrived thU afternoon. j The AuaUalia will be in early t to-morrow. James Keola U now a cltrrk in j tbe Po*t Otfice. ! “ Hon. Paal Neumann is expected haek on the Australia. There will be no concert in Emma Squaro tomorrow. Jobn Maguire arrived from j Huwaii tbis afternoon. I Next week the Punahou eehool» will dose f >r the long vacation. D“puty Marshal Brown is going lo Waiaiua to-aight on huaineM ! I The officials from the second | circuit conrt clid not return todav*. ' i Mokuleia horses went home vesterd»y. They wiil return next year. The Waimanalo case is taking a rest. It will be re assoraed next! week. — It is said that the Cuckoo-Dove of the Star bas to sabmit his ‘Copy’* aloft. via tbe back stairs of tlie p. g. The letters p. g. need not be changed, as nnderthe bogus re puhlie there will be no pettycoat government. Seaborn Luee bas a beaotiful lot of white miee in his store ou Merchont street. TLey are rather “gamey.” Dan Vida is improving since his serious injury, bnt is not i expected to be aronud for some monthsyet. Tlio will of the lato E. C. Damou has bseu filed m tLe probate court. The property is valued at $22,000. — Tomorrow night th« Hotel will serve its usual extra Saturday dinner. Freeman is prepariug au excolleut menu. The Thistle Ciub has moved jnto new Quarters. The Club is now locate<l on the corn«r of Hotel and Fort Streels over Tracy’s : stores. — At the opening of the Oonstitu- , tional Convention tbis morning, j the auelieneo nurabered eight natives includiug the $3 a day I “ehaplain.” 1 -— The Hawaiian Jockey Clob i will raeet tonigbt at the Hotel. ’ Souie very ira|>ortact business i i will be transacted. and a full attendance is requested. 11 i ] i Tho secret of tbe womens-rights movements is that they might ; j have Prohibition and thereby i briug the Kauakaa back to the ] family fold. See “Blue Lawa.” i i » 1 1 S-:me of the ‘‘winnera” presented ■ Mr. B.il!entine wilh a bandaome loekei yesterday in appreciitioa of | lbe exploits of Amorino aud Lolo- ! kalaui. The Counciis didn’t meet last night on aeeounl of pressing bosiness of tbe president and . j executive. They were dined by i { Ad .nir.il vValkvr. I I A number of young society > Iad'ns will kave to-night f>r a | anrse back ride around Oahu. * I Tbey w;!I pMb»b’y stay away t j tbre« or fo ir days. i - Au elegant dinner was giveu by . | the Japauese Diplamatic Agent Mr. Fujii for officera from tbe Japanese wtr-vessels now in port. The dinner took piaee at the t Hotel. There will be a rov <tlist nprisa i ing toutght, accordtug to stjttesm uts of those who kuow boet * Tbe r>yaliats hareo't been ioformed yot aboot the amoaing f rreai