Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

|]btioDBl Iron Wopfy Qray Snutir; | Between Alakea Jt Richard Sta THE CyDEBSIONED it rnnnd to i&&k« nll km 4s ol ln»a Btmh. Br>bk, Ziac T;n ud Lc*d CasttBg«. Aiao G«oenI Ktwi; biop ior Stms RMeJtiik. Corn Milk. W*ter Wk««L s Wiad MiU». «e. . Machic«t for tk« Ckncinc of Ccfte, Cattor Oih, Bma5, Uamk. SM, Piaeappk Lmtm i oth«r FTbron< PUot», Aad P«per Stock Also Miehinn for Esōietisg Starch (rom the Manioo, Airow Root, «tcAll Oixi«rs prompdj atteade<i 10. iVHITE. RITMAN €i CO. THE Profisioool Ooīomeal OFFICL\L LIST OF MEM BERS ANU LOCATIOX OF BCREACS. Encmvi CorxciL. 3. B. Do!«. Prx'«l<l«nt of the Prr»Tl»lona’. 0\>v»to mentof ihe Ha ««iiaa Islaud>. aud JtlnU!»r i cf Forel)jn A!Tatr», i £• A. Kiii*. MinUU r. 1 tfce lnt*>rior. 1 n, M. D«anm. “ lnl»īer of Kina loe. 'V. O. SmltU, Attoruey Geaer«l. Ai)visoRr Corxcru W.tiWl!der. Vlc*-Pre*1den« of the Pionmonai Governuieutof the Hawallan I»Iaiut». C. Bolte. Certl Umwn, Joi-n Nott, Johu £na. Jame» F. *lrrfan K«L 3 hr. Jo». P. Mendonoa. Cha*. T. RiKlgers. Oonnella. Jubn Ēmmelulh, E. D. T»nney. W. F. Alieu. Henry H>trrbonae, A. Youn*. F. M Hatch. Sccretary Ex. a J A.l» Stpkemk Cockt. Hon. A. F. Ju<ld. Chl» f !u.«tioe. Uon. R. F. Blckert«a. Fir>t AMoclate Jnstlre. i W* F. Fre-r. 3ecood Awoeiwie Jna , Henrv Smitn, Chief Clert j Geo. Lue », Deputv Clerk, C- F. Peter» iu.»ci' nd lVputy Clerk. J. «alter Jones, 3ienograpber. ClRCCIT JCDUE9. Ftnd Ctrc«lt: jjT £ Oahn Sec?r<lClreu:t (Mnui) A. s. Kepolkal. Thiidan<l FourtfcClret :t». (H»aail)S. L. Au»tln Ftftb Clremt; (Kaiiai) J. hardv. Offlce» aud Conrt-room In Conrt Uonse, Km,: »treot. 9ium s la II .noitilu- rhe flr»t Mo.id»y m Febru«ry, M.y, Augu»tand Xcvem D*PAimiEyT or FoRsiojt Anr»i«.<. Offl.ce In Capiiol HulMI >g. Klng »trect. 111» , Excelleucy haulonl U. Do.e, Mluuiei of Forel*u Aff«lr». 1 Geo. C. P.»uer. Seeret/ ry. ; V\. Hor.ce W ngat, Liouel Uart, Clerks. DKPARTMEjrror I.vterjor0(Roe In Executtre Bul;<ling, K!ng street. Hi» Exccllency J. A. Ki-i*. M nl»tcr of lnterlor Chje( Cler», J.<h < A. Uata iiger. Assi»U.itCkr.« J.ine» U. rtovd. M. K KeohoRaio.e. Mephen Mauaulu, Oeorxe C. Kom £dwatd s. Bvyd. BrRKAU or Auricc Ltr rk a»o Fokk]ttrt, Pre»ldtut: Ili» Excel!eri(*y tne Minl»ter of lnterior. Wm. G lrwm, A<Un lKrbert, Jouc Eua. J.«epb M.rrd .*u, CouiiiAtaalim«r and becielary. CHI*r» Of CriKACR. I.'tTP.KJ<>B DXPaKT«K>“! eurveyor <jenerAl, w. l». Aiex.naer. Supt. Puhl e WoīK». W. E. Ko.eu. Supt, W atcr W i.r»s. Audrew rtrewn. ln»pecl<jr. Eicetnc LtguU. Johu C«aBidy. Kcgiatr«r .1 C UTOTai.ee», l’. u. luruui. Ko.d sopervi»ur, U nuiu.u, >». II Cuinmlngs Cu;el Kugtu<.<r tire Deut., Ja». IL HuuL eupi. luv. ue .Uylam, Dr. jac»ayne. Depaetmext or Fi.hasck. Offioe, Execntlve Buildinf, Kinf »treet, Mlnl<kr ol Flnance. HU £xceli«ory a- M, Uuiuon. Aoditcr J i«iKnl, Geor*e J. Rom. Kei«i9ir.rot Aeeeuuu. W. G. A«niey. Cier*ol Ftuai.ee uihee, E. A. Meiuerny. Col,«ctor-Generai ot Cu»toui, J.s. B. C•*!*«, T»X Asae»sor. u.ha, J iu». S-i w. Depul> lal W. C. W«*.1on,| P.o>u..a»lcr-Geuer«;, J. Jtort u«t. CC9TOKS BCKKaU. OOee, Custom Houaew E*planade, Fort »treet Coiicetor-GciierR!. Jas. B Castle. Deputy-Co «ct./P F. b. Mrst,e»er. M.rt>.rai«»ler. Cautaln A. Fo!.er. Fort Sarveyor, M. 9 S«udcr». dtoreke«p<r, <Jeors« C. su»s«meyer. LDKPAXT*EXT Of ArrOR.TKT-GK5KKAt. OEee lu ExecntlTe BoIldla*. tin< »tre«t Attomey-GereriI. W. O. ?rouu I*epnty AlU>mey.G«u«r»i. u . K. WHder Ck-rk, J. M. Kee Man..i.. fc. G, Hilehenek. Cutt lo M.nkal, II. M. Dow. Deput> Manoai, Artnur jt. Brown. Jailor ouhu Pnwo. J, a. Ijow. Pnaon Pbyalcuui, Dr. V. U. <^«iper. Boaks ?f lraoRA7Knr. Pre»ldea{, SUE*cellet»ey A. Kiof. Metuber o< tbe Huard ut inAmigraUon: *»oo- j- B. Alhenoo. Jia. b. Ca*Ue. Hon. A. S. Q<*tt m, Jame< G. »penoer M»rk P 6w» Ux) . Wr*y Taylor. Boar» ow Hiauk. Otteeln fronnda of Coort Boose Bo1>Ud*. eoroer «I Mi'.iiani aod «lue-a »t reet». Metnbera Dr. Dav, Dr Ml»er. Dr. kndrew», J. T. Waienu.'Ue Jr., Jooa Ln», laao. f. L*nala« aua A:ntrcey <jenerai aeaua. Prend«at—noo. W. Uaoaila. e«cretary—CIAaa. W leo*. IawuŪU umew-e. b. Eeyiao;<t». inapeeloe a,d a«mvr ot Uartaa*« 8et rk» U L La Meipe. Ia*P«ctof —u. W. C. Joae». iyt PbyaictR... Dt.G. B. Aadrev*. Df*I>camry. Dr. M. W. Huaanl Leper aetue<ued% Dr. K. K. uurer. Board of Ej»ccatus. Conrt Hoaae Btxlldtof. P.<|V<a.i - Hon. C R. «iaiiap W. Jaflw» SmtD<. ot aamooU, A. T. AUlnaon. Pmwai, Ownuw Cocxr. i BaUdtnf, Merehan! *treet ,i «. Robflrtaoo. Ma A. TJwkdp«qo. CWk