Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

|JUST ARRIVED. s c " BABY • CARRIAGES 0F ALL stylesl ,Ci lt Sj V IN THE‘LATEST PATTEBNS. ‘"H OUSEHOLDj SEWING MACHINES HaXD SeWI5G i]ACĪUN28, t y*AU \Vith the Letest 1 PARLOR Or2:ans, Quitarc Aad Other Maeio&l Instrumco \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 ON HAND, AND ;for sale by l'D. HOFFSCHLiEGES & 00. King St.. oppo. Caat!e k Cooke'a DA.lSr. LYON8 □ANCIflQ CL^SSES Moet at Arion Hall ever TUESDAY«ml FRIDAY EVENv INGS, «t 7 o'eloek. Also, on everr Satcp.dat Aft--e500N, at 2 o’eloek. Toition, 25 Cents for eaeh Lesson, and stitisf*ction guarr.nteed or no chargps tnade. mav 8-lf. Emepire Saloon, J.\MES OLDS, Pxorairros Wiites, Llquors. Bee?, alwas on hand, Corser Naaean in l Hotle Street». I <11 lelephooe 241. Poet Office Box 107. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahn, ,kgect to Take AckoowIedgments to Labor Contracta. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oaha. .Vgent for the Haw’n Is)ands o( Pitt A SooTP’a Freigbt &nd Paieela £xpress. Agent for the Burlington Koute. leai Btat5 Mn ai Graeral io* 343; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. a Box 415. 0FF1CB: No. 38 M£BGHAKX HmoIoIo, fi. i; . s» m »• ■