Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 139, 15 June 1894 — THE "COMPACT" FOREVER. [ARTICLE]


The Great “I Am" and the da. “We Are” nearly eome to BIotts. In the CooTention this mon-.-iag. C. L. Carter flopped s>uMe iIv into Lis cbair wit!i a tbn<l thit shook tbe (oaml >tioo of tne floor. if n<»t the sandy bottom :f tbe Dole republic. Artirle 7 before the comTjittee of t’*e j whole, and the qrestion np.>r. the time allow<ul for those who m»ght elaiia eiiiaenahip undir tho “ppeeial rigbte’* clanse. Mr Emmelolh nrgetl thnt the s x month« limit prescril»e<l t»v tl>e (’ommittee r>*port be exteudel. U|>on thls. Carter j‘iraped up «i d ier ring his i ort eye in the d - rection of Senator Emmelnlh i isinuated tbat such \ motion eoa d oulv eome from one whoscfideli y to the •‘caase’’ migl»t be *o question. At tbis junctare, the j stentorian voice of Seuat >r Emmelulh rung out w;th a e»11 to orJer, clefying Delegnte Cart.:r or anvone present to iusinuate , thaf he was not by every act. ' faithful to tbe c;tu»e of aune:.ation. anJ any»ne J iring to ; qnestion his honor aud bones:y i in the cause of anuexation won >1 j be met with otlier argumanti. i Mr. Carter subsiJed.