Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


CtpUin HoaiieiU? is hers for »j tbe lt)Oth time. Paol Neamana did not retarn. Mr. CiQ*v»rro the Portagaese C asal-Geiieral retarne-l tod»y t after a short risit to tbe St*tes. , H.A. Oilw» tfae f*m >a» bicyclist eame b»ck. Wiiter will have to keep his shirt on now. 3frs Aiul M.98 Hind of Kohala arnved this mniiag on the Aas tra : ia. Tue oldest s>n of Mr W. M. GifJtrd eame back from the St »tes wuere he u »s b?en sta.lving for »«juot years. Mni D idoit ;»is > retarae 1. M :ss £ditb Htrtwell is in town tigaiiu She arrlved on the Aos- ! trali.i. i —