Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LEWIS i C0„ \Mioiesale and Retaii Cro .0>D PKOVISION DEALERS. FRĒSR CAUPORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By ETery 8an Fiancisco S:«a(u«r. Salt Salmov IN Babrels a Specialtt. iii Fort Si. t Honoluln. Tfl. 240. P 4 O. Box M!erch.ant Exchan"e n Corner King aua N'uaana Strsets. S. I. 8KA\V....Man«ger. The Finest se!ection of LIQUORS and BEF.R, sold anywLere in the tovrn. ; First-ctas<i attendance. Call and jcdge j for yoarself. no 1.3—tf. Capt. Wm. Davles, INTER-ISLAND P!L0T Any Port or Lauding *u the Ilawaiian Ldand>. lnquire at office of J, 8. WaLKKK over 8preckel’s Bank. .feb I4-tf. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF and SPIRITS Anchor-:-Saloon Ee “AUSTRALIA," Another Invoice oUthe '»Vorld{ Renowned , ! FREDERICKSBURG SLAGER B£ER On dranght and by tbe keg. . ' L Also, as a Spev*ialtv, Small Fresh 0YSTERS, * i POK COCKTAlLS 1 mayl 3m 3 dEMENT 5»: doi>bing Laid. Estim*te« given on all kiad« of Cqcntt \ piB$to Coxcisrx .A Spbcialty. JNO. F. EOWLEK.