Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 140, 16 June 1894 — THE ADMIRAL. [ARTICLE]


He Knows It All. Tlie ia reg«rd to Admir«l Walkei whieli appe.ir, in ao<>tlier colmnn.are if true,«nrprismg. Admirnl W a!ker, in wlioni »<■ «re told tbe United Stat>vs Administr«tion I» ;«•* the ntmo«t coofidence. is st«ted lo i Ii,ive nindc c*rt!im i»sstitions in regird to the ji"l;tical aituation of tlns couotr>' wliieh would l»e j unheeoieii g any «>flicer <>f a goverorn«;nt, aml in thc f ice of f<«cts Lere. 1»* mitr e. \\ odo not for a imimte l>*dieve tliat tl>e Americ>iu • Adoiintl «'ver ni.ule t!ie gtate- , iti ii ts refern- 1 t«>. He lias wliile i here iu iin LIkmI. an«l :isaociate«l j with tii" iii-ii who Mssist<d an«l f >st«*r*;«l tti" revolution, an«l he ilo« s u*>t kuuw «>ne *>f t!ie men • who tod«y ii|iliold tlie rigbt «>f the t peop ie iii Hawaii.niul who reiuler- j e«l a Moleiun j>r >t«st Jigainst the j «)utrHg<* coniiiiilted l>y Sterens ( aml lii- tool \N iltse. It is true , that Ailioir.il W iiker h>*s iuol the j l>enelit *>f the ctini|)Huy of Judd, ; l> >le, H»tcl , Dii*oon, Smitb,«ndi <*ther pnuiouneeil j>olitici;iiis. He Hccej>te«l their eagerly oH«*red hosj>iUlitv fn>m the *lay when Le U„ded Ler«* H«* dines theui aud wuu*s them. They dine him j «nd wine him. But let us he«r of oue instance where lie 1jhs j e\teiule*l his lu>sj)itality or «cce|)ted it frpm the society who r«*j>resont the people of Hawuii. i Evorv dhthI officer is in f.ivor; of Ihe annexMtion •>f Hawaii. ' F.very naval **tlicer will bencfit by it An itu*rease in the American ; uav\ whieh wonld l>o c«»mj>uIsor} - j in e «se of aunoxation would j uiateri*lly lu*lj> promotioD. An a«iditiouai nu nber of officers | would be create«l. niul t!ie jiresent ; snperrtnnu«to<l offieials wouhl have a ehanee t«> get a h’glierj runk. lf such are tlie iuotives no i *loul>l 11>.-«t A«l*uirai AV«Iker favors ; anuexatiou, and says that a tuou- ; Michy is Mii iinpossihiiitv here. I Uo the first subject he may he au authority—it is his proviuce. ; On t!ie secou*l lu* kunwa notliing excej»t what isfi!le«l mto liis e«rs by lns co-diot*rs mul eo-wiuen}. HaWaii will not be blutfed a secord time by any bluster froiu : naval officers, whose authoritv iater on is *lisavowed by his sij>orior. If the ne»vspaper st.iteinents in regard to A*lmiral W’Hlkcr are correct, we innst be jilease«i to nole that he will dejiart j sh«>rtlv nlul otfer lns va!uHl>lo ■ . * i s«*nices to some ot >erd>r«uch of his gi>verument. The Hawaiiaiis don’t wanl hiin. {, ■ 11 «■ ■ i « i