Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — Not So. [ARTICLE]

Not So.

\ nimor w *s circnlated vesfordiy to llie cif*-ct tbat a sucoessor h.ul anived to Oolonel Soper who.se res gnation bas been acccpted as comnnnder in-chief. 1ho pr. s» nco in towa of a wellknm» n miiitary gentlcman from California probab!y started t!ie rumor. 1 u<>so wlio know, state }H)sitivclv that Oolonel Soper s rcs:gnation wa> sinoj)Iy caused bv an crtort to retrenob on the part • f tlie govt rr.rae\it, and tliat tbe «ihee «iui snlary of Colonel-com-iimml ng will be aboIishod. The gent!oman fr«'tn California is suap|y here on a pleasare lrip.