Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.WA.H HOLOHU^, IS I>rBLISUEO Kverv Attemoon LXCEPT sfNDAT BT THE Eelomua Pub!is!iingCo. A? KinpHL (Tbon»ji.s block), Honolulo, H. I. pcr 50 Cts. ( Th*- -r i. lelirfT*-i hr C»rrieni in the «u.l »nlmrh-. Oipie* f>r 8*1« •t tbr Sm l>e«lers *»ii »t ihe ol pnhlieaUoe. F vu\D iV0RRlE, - - Editor G jHGE E. SMITHIES - Manager N()TICE. Al! r.,mmurt.-.»lion* »houl«l be , „ . ... I lo G»-.>rge L Siuithie» Uonoinln, H. I. l” nv-i. .uiienoe i»u>l ComtuQuiraUotw tor i i. ii iuiiU heaililu-*ee«IU) the Eiitor llawuii H 'lonme. No n.niee will be paid lo auV unonvm.>ut» eommnuiealion». I Musiuoss Cards A. P. PETERSON, A 1 U)KNEY AT LAW. Otli.v 118 Kaahumunn i ; ‘J\ < et, Honolnln Hawuuan Imuu'U CllAHLES CREIGHTON. i attoknf.v at law. 113 K.iuhumunn Slreet. Honoluln 11 iwuiian l*l*n<l». PAUL NEUMANN, attornky at law. 314 Mepcli»nt Street, Honolulu, Miitii.il Telei)houo 415. CLAUENCE IV. ASHFOKD, \TlOUNEV AND WUNSELLOB AT LAW. Off. •< Ol.l Capit.’l HniUmK. (Honolnln *.ljoining Po«t Offlo*\ Honolnln. . OHN LOTA KAULUKOU. attounev at law, Oiilee. coruer Kinp »t Ilelhel Sts. LE1V1S .1. LEVEY, Keul Estate and (Teneral Auctioneer. cV>rv. r Fort *a.i Que<-n Streeta. Honoluln Personal att»>nti.»n g ven to Sales of Farniture, Heal Estnte. Stock aiul Gener«l Meiohaneliae, \tatn»l l>Ucih».'ne £3S A. ROSA. attokxev at„law. No. 15 K!iahnraannSt.. Honoluln, Hawaiiau islancU. M H. I.0HE1DE, M..N AND OKNAMENIAl. PA1NTER. [H.iw aiian Harvlware O».] AU orders promptly attended to. TH0MAS LIND8AY ; Mnnnfacluring a’ui W'iie.h nMxer, M. Iowmn U»ork. «« Fort. Str. Eiias Kauluiaau Wright DENTIST,««a Coraer M King and Lelhel Sl«., UpOain, Enlnnee oa King Street. Offi- e Hocub- From 9 a.m. to 12 m.,1 te> 4 p.m. £3T Snnday(i cxoepted.