Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 141, 18 June 1894 — The Paid Fire Department. [ARTICLE]

The Paid Fire Department.

There is a p eneral dissatisfaction w ith tlie w u k ilone yestonlay by the tire d *pHrtuient. When tl |p P- P-. in i s iiumsvulata wiselom, elianpe.' tl,e system of « volunteer «lej i tiuont iuto a pai«l on*?, it had an.ple iuaterial from whieh to sole« t «ble, willing «nd couij»etont mei . Instoud »f doing so. a number of “Leroes‘' frora ihe 17th liad t v l»e fed, an«l the re,sult is tPAt t :e dep.artment is iu a worae condit on to-dny than it ever !ias been u this city. Prop- i . ert\ bo!ders a e justly indiga*nt, and the nndtrwriters will, most likeh . be lieai 1 frora in tue near fulure. lt islortunate th.at Minister Kiiig, un ler whoni tbe jire briga io is. w s j resent and enable«l to see the defects for liiiuse’if It s aorious y hoped : 4bat a thoroi gh xecoustruction ,

wiil tako pl. ce, either in the •»vslem or ia t! o pereouael. There ;ire plenty of good aud efficieot dtvmen looki g for »ork. aud it stioaid be rvn embered tbat oae i may be e.ipal» e of driving a milk- 1 wagoa it is m t an absolnte proof of his ability to lead a company i at a great and daageroos coafia- 1 gratioD. Do tte fire eommiaaioo- j ers kuow an.tbiug about tbe work witu w ieh they «re io-; trusted. ?